Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, September 30, 2024

The Mystery of Iniquity and the Fake Church

Messages revealed to Mario D'Ignazio of Brindisi, Italy in the Years 2011 and 2012


January 10, 2011

“The Apparition of the Most Holy will be harshly judged since the false church led by the spirit of evil was unmasked by the Virgin in Brindisi and not being able to deny this truth, the false church will try to pass off the Visitation of the Beloved Immaculate Queen as false. They will accuse you (Mario) of schism, but the schism is operated by the false church that loves sin and they no longer fight it considering it normal.”

January 19, 2011

“The persecution will be from the false Christians to the true Christians, from the false sin-loving church to the True Grace-loving church. I together with Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Raphael are fighting against numerous demons ready to destroy the divine plans.”

February 13, 2011

“My Mother and I together will bring the Final Victory in this invisible war between the false church that loves sin and performs abominations and the True Church that loves Me, and lives according to My Word.”

April 8, 2011

“The holy oil that My Most Holy Bride gives you represents My noble action on the Little FLOCK that remains steadfast on the Holy Word and that will strongly oppose the false church the one that loves the world and follows the world by cloaking itself in pseudo spirituality and false ecumenism.”

April 17, 2011

“The mystery of iniquity and the existence of two contrasting churches. One is true is guided and protected by God, because it lives in grace and struggles against the worldly spirit. The 'other is false, because it has given itself to the world and lives of the world ... and where the world is, there is no Father. False Christians will persecute true Christians. False ministers will persecute true ministers. False pastors of the FLOCK will fight against pastors who are faithful to the Word, Magisterium and Tradition. False Christians and false ministers and pastors, will want to change the Holy Word but will not succeed because the Holy Word is unchanging. Let the Holy Scriptures not be changed, but let them be preserved in their entirety. The false church will never welcome My Visitations for they gather the scattered FLOCK and call back to the whole truth.”

April 28, 2011

“Today I reveal to you with a Heart dripping with blood that the false church present and operating in the True Church of Christ will perish. It will be annihilated with all its components devoted to lies and they will be seized by the Wrath of God that will mark their end... It is only then that the Bride of Christ will shine with great glory and purity and My Son will cloak His worshippers in His divine light and crown them with shining diadems symbolizing their kingship in view of their testimony and their great martyrdom.”

February 4, 2012

“Let it be known that a great division is taking place: one part follows the Gospel, Magisterium and Tradition, another part walks according to the world and the spirit of evil.”

April 15, 2012

“Those who are part of this false church are already deprived of communion with God by serving nefarious plans contrary to the Law of the Father. Therefore, every curse launched against My Appeals will fall on them and will apply to themselves and not to My Interventions nor to the Little FLOCK that will follow Me. Understand then that the increase of My Appearances is a preparation for the clash between the false church and the true church.”

December 3, 2012

“My Mother is working in defense of My True Church and for the destruction of the satanic church composed of ministers devoted to the beast and false Christians. The Virgin Mother openly condemns the Masonic church composed of bishops, priests and laity who follow the directives of the prince of this world, aspiring for the destruction of the Church founded on Peter... because the changes will be sudden, to the detriment of Holy recollection in holy places and to the detriment of the Eucharist.”

From the book “The Salvific Way of Reconciliation” - Segno editions, 2015



