Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Pray, Pray, Trust, and Listen with a Contrite Heart for I Am with You Always

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Sons and Daughters of the Lamb of the Immaculate Conception, Apostolate of Mercy in USA on September 27, 2024


I am with you daughter, please write…

Today, daughter I speak about war. What is war My children? It is an indifference of another with a reason to control humanity so mankind will submit to one’s evil intents to enforce an agenda. This war I speak of is an end to all wars. I have asked My people to pray, to be vigilant and they have responded. You My children must accept the consequences of your actions. Your acts in the Divine Will are to be made for humanity in a positive and holy way, but your negative acts are not pleasing to the Father. I came into the world to surrender with all My acts given to the Father, even laying down My life for all. Today your negative acts in the world are the result of WAR – SINS are negative acts that humanity has brought about which effect the individual causing the sin and others as well; resulting in hatred, envy, jealousy and pride all leading to war and even demonic influence that can destroy and kill your fellow man. I want all My children to understand that one must also defend themselves from the enemy, even if this results as a negative consequence.

Now I will explain where your country, the USA, is headed. Since this evil regime has been in place, they have incited many evil schemes, deceitfulness, and deviant acts to accomplish their end game. Your country will now be taking back the leadership and will not be destroyed but you will be struck down with a blow that will cause much death. I have warned you America that other countries are also implicated in this role trying to conquer your nation. You will have peace, but only after you have felt the repercussions and hardships of war in your country.

I AM A JUST GOD, but My people must understand that sin will destroy not just one person but will destroy an entire nation. Pray, Pray, Trust, and listen with a contrite heart for I am with you always.

Jesus, your Crucified King.

Source: ➥
