Messages from Diverse Sources


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

What Do You Expect from the One Who Wants to Lead You into a Worldwide Church Where the One and Triune God Is Denied and Insulted?

Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on September 30, 2024


Reading :

Gospel of Saint Matthew 6:24 (Luke 16:13)

"No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will cling to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money."

Saint Paul to the Romans 6:15-22 "Put yourself at the service of justice"

"What then! Shall we sin because we are, not under the Law, but under grace? Far from it!"

Do you not know that if you surrender yourselves to someone as slaves in order to obey him, you are slaves to the one you obey, either of sin for death, or of obedience to God for righteousness?

But thanks be to God that, having been the slaves of sin, you have obeyed from the heart the rule of doctrine taught you.

Thus, having been freed from sin, you have become slaves of righteousness."

1 King 18, 21 The prophet Elijah and the prophets of Baal in Carmel

21. "Then Elijah came to all the people and said, 'How long will you bell on both sides?"

"If the Lord is God, go after him, and if he is Baal, follow him!"

Word of Jesus Christ:

"I bless you My sweet daughter of Love, Light and Holiness. Let us adore the Eternal Father."

“Eternal Father, Almighty God, I adore You and love You. I take refuge in You, Thrice Holy God. I offer You my sufferings due to this lingering illness and I offer You the sufferings due to the struggle my mission requires. I trust in You and surrender myself entirely to Your Divine Will. Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

"The difficult days before you will pass in simplicity, like those you have just passed in recent years. Lived in Faith and Hope, these days will bring joy and peace also for your brothers who are discovering and understanding more of God's Hour by accepting the purification they admit is necessary.

I bless your courage and your sacrifices offered to support the solicited King in his endeavor which he now undertakes, in obedience and submission, without really grasping the ultimate goal he will adopt, in his Faith and Love, in the course of the evolution of his mission. I wanted him to be like this, humble and confident. His ordeal is drawing to a close, but his weighty task leaves him no respite, and no time to reflect on the organization of his departure. The angels and saints, alongside Mary who leads them, will be part of the procession that will accompany him in secret.

My child, this gloomy weather is here to stay. So shelters must already, in some places, open their doors to the most needy, the most fragile.

It's the same for those in My Church who are waking up to a catastrophic situation they hadn't perceived in their blind, trusting submission. Be welcoming before their dismay and, for some, their incomprehension in the face of this destabilizing situation.

Love your brothers, My children, be both merciful and prudent. Justice, including judgment, belongs to God alone. Pray unceasingly to live in discernment, a gift of the Holy Spirit. Know how to see and avoid wolves in sheep's clothing.

The Hour of God is that of revelations, (Revelation) therefore that of tribulations where everyone and everything must be purified to come together in the Body of Christ.

Be humble, give way to the drums and trumpets of the arrogant who proclaim their heresies loudly, wanting to impose them as truths. Have no fear, the more you resist the falsehoods, the stronger and more invulnerable you will be under the protection of the One God Savior and Source of Life.

Look now at the language of one who still makes believe that he serves God. Yet hear the speech of a forked tongue and you will recognize My Words and its opposite. You will see the disobedience and domination that one wants to impose, even on God the Creator, and then on all God's children throughout the earth and up to heaven.

How long will Mine, privileged in the Church, accept this merry-go-round that stuns and sclerotizes all Mine entrusted to you?

What are you waiting for before the one who wants to lead you into a worldwide Church where God the One and Triune is denied and insulted? Why do you follow the one who changes everything in order to deny My Real Presence, to insult and eliminate all holy works, including those of Mary Immaculate, Mother of God and men, Mary Co-Redemptrix whose Immaculate Heart is intimately linked to My Sacred Heart?

Aren't all these findings, enumerated and well described elsewhere by My faithful, sufficient to understand the work of evil and that of the godless who blithely leads you into the abyss with no return?

It is therefore not essential, in order to make the decision necessary to save your brethren and protect the Church, to know all the official, and even more abominable, revelations confirming that this impostor insults and destroys you.

Why do you support, to the detriment of the Salvation of your brothers, the one who wanted to be Pope in order to act according to his will subject to that of the fallen one who leads him and wants to lead you all to decay?

Which of you, Bishops and priests chosen guardians of My Church, will unveil the Truth to save the children of God victims of lies and lying silence?

No, don't even think you're serving two masters at once! Open your eyes and understand that you serve the one who uses and perverts Divine Words and Rules to serve the fallen one whose immeasurable pride propagates his insatiable and above all demonic ambitions.

What do you seek in this immense lie and grave, well-applied betrayal that insults your Lord Redeemer and drags My faithful into their destruction? Gradually you pervert all that My Church bears of divine, heritage of Salvation for My people.

Despite this concerted relentlessness against My Living and Holy Church and the gentle and humble children who make it up, the Church will resist the magnitude of the evil you are pouring out in these End Times.

Despite your aggressions, enterprises of destruction against Mary-Co-redemptrix, My Mother will triumph through her Immaculate Heart; the evil one can only recoil before the Divine Splendor of the Immaculate Conception.

Where does this blindness come from that leads you to death? Is your soul so weakened, no longer able to bear either Love or Truth? Has pride intoxicated you to the point of denying yourself and causing you to deviate from the steps of Christ, the path of Love you had chosen? Did you choose it? Did you hope to live in glory without Him?

No, My children, without God you are nothing, you choose nothingness. This, My children in the Church, you have learned, you know, and your choice is free.

Do not despise these simple and clear words, They are from Me Jesus Christ. The one who agrees to write them to you does so out of Love for Me and to allow you a saving reflection. This is called spreading God's blessing. God is your Only Good, do not turn away, do not reject your Life.

I declare that in this call My Hand of Justice arises:

- on those who know The Word and the rules, taught for centuries in My Church, Word, Light of the world to protect and lead it, Divine and unchanging Word,

- on those, who allow themselves to use it for personal ends by modifying it, denying it, deviating from it, perverting it or destroying it,

- on those who deny, oppose and denigrate all words and actions of the Virgin Mary in her works as Co-Redemptrix who until the End of Time loves, supports, directs, consoles and advises God's children,

- on those who persecute and martyr, in many ways My priests, My prophets, My messengers and My faithful,

- on those who accept all changes and turn away from the divine path,

- on those who silence and prevent the spread of My Word, thus directly attacking Me, God who mandates My humble children to spread My Word for the Salvation of souls,

- on those who participate in the destruction of the Faith and the practice of the Faith by all intrusive means in homes, schools, media, places of worship including churches,

- on those who use the authority, knowledge and responsibility they have towards souls, to manipulate them and turn them away from God,

- on those who are in indecision, ambivalence seeking their advantage to choose without effort of Love, Faith and Charity. Less than lukewarm, I will vomit them out.


Be warned, the Hour of God is That of Justice and Purification. No creature can shirk it. Truth is in the Heart of God and Only God Judges.

"In His Divine Presence every knee will bow on earth, in Heaven and in hell and every tongue will proclaim that Jesus is Lord to the Glory of God the Father."

Jesus Christ

Who commands respect for all that is of God, in God, for God and with God."

Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God. "Read on"

September 30, 2024

Source: ➥
