Messages from Diverse Sources


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Wisdom Avoids Evil Encounters and Does Not Waste Time Allowing Emotions to Promote Anger or Revenge

Message from Our Lady of Emmitsburg to the World Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan, Emmitsburg, ML, USA on October 7, 2024


Conversion comes within. If you want peace, then peace starts within your heart. You would seek to be peaceful as you stand up to the Truth. Stay calm.

Peace is a strength. It does not mean you are weak or should bow to falsehood.

For your soul to resemble what you received at baptism; your spirit must radiate the Love of God. Evil begets evil. Love begets love. Wisdom avoids evil encounters and does not waste time allowing emotions to promote anger or revenge. Wisdom focuses on Truth and is not swayed to corruption.

My dear children, consecrate your heart and soul to God. Consecrate your entire being, your mind, and your spirit so that in everything you will radiate the goodness and Love of God. He will look on you with His Mercy and be compassionate. Remember, God has the final Word.

Pray the rosary, dear ones. Pray with all your heart and soul. The day is coming when all My children will meet Him face to face.

Peace to you, My dear children.

Ad Deum

Source: ➥
