Messages from Diverse Sources


Thursday, October 17, 2024

Shortly I Will Manifest Myself on This Hill in the Flesh

Message from Most Holy Mary to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on October 12, 2024


Here I am still among you, My children,I will be with you until My Son Jesus returns; I will always be present in this Hill, I will take you by the hand and lead you to Him in infinite love, I will educate you in the Things of God, I will teach you extraordinary things, My children, I will prepare you for the final challenge against Satan.

Open your hearts to Me, stand in obedience to Me as the Lord asks, to Me has been given the mandate to bring you to Him, prepare you as He desires, pure and spotless in love. Shortly I will manifest Myself on this Hill in the flesh, I will mark you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit on your forehead, on your heart, on your whole being, imprinting you with the sign of the cross, I will embrace you in My bosom, I will forge you, ...Jesus will work,through My hands on you, forge you in Holy Spirit and fire.

We have now reached the end of an ancient history, the beginning of the New Age is at hand, My children, Jesus is intervening.

The Father's cry is to His justice against this perverse Humanity.

Have faith in Jesus Christ, Son of God, have faith in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Surrender yourselves according to Heaven's requests to Me,as the Coredemptrix of the Work of Salvation.

I am Mother of Jesus and your Mother, My children, I love you infinitely, I carry you in My Heart, I bless you continually,...always!

In the name Father, Son and Holy Spirit I bless your homes, your families, I am always beside you, My children, do not be afraid of anything, things on this Earth must be faced, you must forge yourselves, My children, you must be transformed according to God's will, grow in love and charity.

Abandon your old clothes and clothe yourselves with light to bring triumph to My Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Operate, My children, operate according to God's will! This Hill will shine with His Light!

When God the Father intervenes, your feet, here, will have to be laid bare! You will have to tread this earth with bare feet. God's intervention will transform everything; nothing will be as before.

Bring love to your Creator God, put peace and love among yourselves, unite in one heart and one soul, be holy as your Lord asks you.

I hold you close to My Breast, I will heal your wounds, I will intervene in every evil situation, I will protect you from every evil, My children.

Now I join My hands to yours and with you I plead for the early return of Jesus, may the Father grant it now, in this time,before hell breaks loose on Earth.

Peace and love, My children, I bless you again in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Source: ➥
