Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, October 21, 2024

The Holy Face Saves Souls Devoted to Him

Message from Mother Pierina De Micheli to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on September 26, 2024


I am Maria Pierina de Micheli. Worship the Holy Face and wear His Medal around your neck.

The Face of Jesus is disfigured by your sins, streaked with Tears of Blood.

The Holy Face saves souls devoted to Him. Wipe away Jesus' Tears of Blood with fasts and penances. Expose the Holy Face in homes. Pray before It and ADORE IT, INFINITE THANKS YOU WILL RECEIVE. THE HOLY FACE IS AN ICON OF THE FATHER, THE HOLY FACE IS FRESHNESS FOR SUFFERING SOULS. Pray the Chaplet to the Holy Face. I bless you all. See you soon consoling souls.

Pray to the Holy Face like this:

Divine Face of my King, I prostrate myself before You. I am frail, weak, suffering, but You can comfort my pain. I adore You Divine Face and offer myself to You as I am. You can heal me. I desire to dry Your tears of Blood with my suffering. I desire to love You and be loved by all. Give me PEACE, QUIETNESS, TRUE LIFE in God. I offer myself and consecrate myself to You. Adorable Face of my Redeemer, heal me with the Balm of Your Eternal Love.


How to Pray the Chaplet of The Holy Face of Jesus



