Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, December 27, 2024
My Soul Exalts the Lord, That It Be Done in Me according to His Word
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady to Gérard in France on December 24, 2024
The Virgin Mary:
My dear children, listen to My Word that I spoke to the Angel Gabriel. My Soul exalts the Lord, that it be done in Me according to His Word. You must be like this: listen to God and give thanks in the same way, that you be loving towards your neighbor and gentle, moving forward with God. Everything I have experienced: your Heart will be pierced by a sword. Yes, that's what I experienced listening to Simeon; it didn't stop me from being totally obedient to God. Why despair, don't you see what I said at La Salette where I spoke of My Church and My priests? Having seen and lived this December 8 (inauguration of Notre Dame) in the face of the horror that happened in Paris, in My Cathedral, the jewel of the world, the Eldest Daughter of the Church of Christ willed by Him through Me. You will see the result in the occult people who praised Evil, they will not live in Peace and everything for them will end very badly. That's why I invite you to be vigilant, to make your choice. Christmas is paradise on earth. So take refuge in my Immaculate Heart and come and honor us tonight, on this day when the Master of the Nations will be born for all of you. Watching it on TV is good, but coming to Holy Mass is the greatest happiness I receive from you who are obedient. If you are bedridden, I understand and accompany you, if you are safe and able to move around, come and console me for what has happened and that the Father is about to change everything. By understanding this, you will have great protection. I wish you a very happy Christmas, rich in Our Presence and Our tenderness. Be like this and all will be forgiven. Amen †
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. My grace will be in you when you give the best of yourselves in your lives. Amen †
"I consecrate the world, Lord, to Your Sacred Heart",
"I consecrate the world, Virgin Mary, to Your Immaculate Heart",
"I consecrate the world, St. Joseph, to Your fatherhood",
"I consecrate the world to You, St. Michael, protect it with Your wings." Amen †