Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Mercy: Inexhaustible Source of Love and Forgiveness


My children, my peace be with you.

My mercy is an inexhaustible fountain of love and forgiveness; it is a spring of living water, for all those who walk weary and weary under the burden of sin. It is necessary for humanity to know that I am a God of Mercy, rather than of Justice; I am love, forgiveness and infinite mercy, that is my essence; my rays of mercy that spring from my loving heart, are a source of salvation, for all those who seek me with a sincere heart.

I am pouring rivers of mercy to all mankind, without distinction of creeds, races, or religions. I am the Universal God, Lord of all times, the only true God, who does not want to see you lose and die eternally. Come close to Me, do not fear; deposit in Me your miseries and sins, which my fountain of mercy will wash and purify you. Behold that I am devout with love for you, I do not want to lose you; welcome Me, and do not continue to turn your back on Me; return to the Father's house, as the prodigal son did, and I will be waiting for you with My arms open, to give you My love, forgiveness and mercy; because the greater the sin, the greater the mercy, if you welcome Me, with contrite and humiliated hearts.

The Father's house waits for you my prodigal sons and daughters; do not waste this call that I make to you; remember, that there is more joy in heaven, not for 99 righteous, but for one sinner who converts. Come then, the doors of my mercy are open for all those who wish to be forgiven; stop sinning and take up again the path of justice and I assure you that you will find mercy; bathe in the fountain of forgiveness and you will be clean and blameless and you will not be reminded again of the past. Let yourselves be led by Me, and I will take you to the green meadows and the fresh waters of my new creation. He loves you and waits for you with open arms, your Father, Jesus of Infinite Mercy.

Make my messages known, my children.

Source: ➥
