Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Urgent Call to Mankind!

My Father's House Shall Be Profaned!


My children, the days are coming when you will thirst for the word of God and hunger for spiritual food and you will not find it. My Father's House will be profaned by my adversary and his instruments of evil. Peter's seat will be occupied by the false prophet and the great abomination will begin (2 Thessalonians 2. 3,4) (Daniel 12,11).

My word will be scarcer than gold ofir; but fear not, all this must be fulfilled as it is written; that is why you must feed from now on as much as you can on my Body and Blood, for the days are coming when I will no longer be among you. On those days when you will not be able to receive my Body and Blood, I recommend that you make my Spiritual Communion 3 times as a support. Let yourselves be guided by my Mother, she will show you the path you must follow and will give you instructions so that you may remain in common union with my Spirit. My Mother is already among you; just as she did with my apostles and disciples in Jerusalem, she will do the same with you; she will show you the path that will lead you to the gates of my New Creation.

My children, sheep of my flock; I want to warn you that my adversary through his instruments is supplanting my communion, by infernal machines dispensing hosts; there is not my Spirit there; that is not Living Bread come down from heaven; there I am not there. Therefore, abstain from receiving that deception. Do not receive communion with those hosts. They are not my Body and Blood.

Sheep of my flock, when the House of my Father is outraged by the great profanation and my daily worship is suspended, you must not fear; for my Mother will lead you to our faithful favorite children and to the remnant Churches where you can receive me; remember that in those days you will be persecuted like my first disciples, but do not fear, my Mother and my Angels will take care of you. Not a single one of your hairs will be lost if, like the branch, you cling to the vine.


O Blood of Jesus Christ I adore you in your Eucharistic presence on the altar. I believe in your power and sweetness, penetrate into my soul and purify it, into my heart and inflame it.

Precious Blood of Jesus truly present in the Sacred Host, enlighten my intelligence, take possession of my mind, circulate always through my veins, may all my senses be marked with your divine unction may my heart beat only for your glory and may my lips praise you forever. Amen.

I am your Father, Jesus the Good Shepherd who gives his life for his sheep.

Source: ➥
