Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, December 6, 2010

I Am Knocking at the Door: Open to Me!


My children, my peace be with you.

My children; learn to live by my mercy; accept everything with love and humility, for the days are coming when you will have to beg and implore heaven, that it may give you your daily bread.

The days of your purification are knocking at the door. Oh, poor humanity, when you awake from your spiritual lethargy it will be late.

Children of Adam, the night will catch you unprepared; remember that the night is justice; you continue in your daily life, and you have not thought: The Son of Man is knocking at the door, so that you may let him enter.

I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens to me, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me (Revelation 3:20). Oh, how it pains me to see so many, so many, wandering without God and without law, for when the days of my justice come, they will be the first to fall! O my earth, prepare yourself for mourning, because many will fall in your entrails... What pain, what desolation, how much I would have liked everything to be different; but no, I got tired of knocking at your doors and there was no answer whatsoever. Many turned their backs on me, others laughed at me, and there were others, the immense majority who did not believe.

Very soon the Angel of death will mourn creation. What are you waiting for to change, what are you waiting for to beg forgiveness? Behold, there is still a little mercy; do not let it run out; come to me, with a contrite and humbled heart; leave your evil ways and your bad conduct; straighten your path at once; abide by my precepts and take again the path that will lead you to your salvation. Do not continue to live in sin, for sin will lead you to death.

Remember that I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; remember that I am Mercy; that I want to give it to you, if you turn away from your evil ways. Listen to Me: I do not want your death; come to your senses immediately, because the place where your souls will end up is torment and pain; pain and more torment for all eternity. That is why, I do not take pleasure in seeing you die, I am knocking at the door of your hearts, he who lets me in I will dine with him, and I will give him to drink of the water of Eternal Life.

Open to me; it is I your master who knocks at the door. Do not keep me waiting. I am your salvation and your life. I am the path that will lead you to the gates of my New Creation. Open to me and let me pass; I want to converse with you my rebellious sheep; I only ask for a little of your time, to give you my love and my salvation.

He who knocks at the door is your Father: Jesus in the Sacrament, the Good Shepherd of all times.

My children; make my messages known to all nations.

Source: ➥
