Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Friday, March 16, 2012

My Mother Will Be the Sacred Sacrament Where I Remain During the Purification Days!


My children, My peace be with you.

My adversary has intensified his attacks in the mind of my sheep and to whole mankind. So as My Spirit begins to leave, the mental attacks will be stronger; do not lose your head, do not despair, pray and repel, cover yourself with the shield of my Blood and consecrate your selves to It; feed your selves with my Body and with My Blood and clothed with the Spiritual Armor, you can resist and repel these attacks. Be alert and vigil at every moment, because my adversary knows you and knows your weaknesses; therefore strengthen the locks of your open doors with faster, penance, prayer and spiritual nourishment.

I say again, do not be afraid, all this is part of your purification; be united to Me, and the trial will be more bearable. I will be a short while with you, do not grieve, I will not forsake you; I will remain with you through My Mother. My Mother will be the Sacred Sacrament where I will remain during the purification days. Pray the Holy Rosary and meditate it, and My Mother will give you peace and console you during these days of trial.

Do not stay away from My Mother, She will care for you, she will be your refuge and shelter and in the end of the way will show you Her Son, blessed fruit or her womb. My children, after Pentecost the creation will begin its transformation; do not be frighten for events that you will see, remember that everything prophesized for these times must come to pass as it is written. My flock, joyous who will overcome the trial, for your eyes will see The Son of Man coming down from Heaven with all its majesty and glory and will contemplate the New and Celestial Jerusalem in full splendor and beauty waiting for you!

The days are closer, the light will very soon dissipate darkness and God’s Kingdom will be among you until the end of times. Be prepared for the awakening of consciences and do not be afraid; remember that old man must dye to sin, for the rebirth of a new creature transformed by the Grace of My Spirit, in a totally spiritual being. Again I tell you, after the warning you will not be the same; your spirit will rule over matter and you will be new spiritually beings with a mission to fulfill for the Kingdom of God. You will be my flock, and I will be your Eternal Shepherd.

Rejoice hence my children, for the days of slavery and pain are coming to an end; in the New Heavens and the New Earth joy, peace and happiness await for you, which nobody can take away from you. My peace I give you, and my peace I leave you. I am your Master and Shepherd. Jesus of Nazareth.

Make my messages known to all mankind.

Source: ➥
