Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sanctifying Mary’s Urgent Message to the Catholic World. Alto De Guarne, Antioquia.

The Ictus or Fish Symbol Will Be the Signal of My Marian Refuges.


Dear children of my heart, may the peace of God be with you.

My children, I am very sad, and cannot stop crying, for this ingrate and sinful humanity; now my Father’s will must come to pass and with it his Holy Justice. I will continue to intercede for all my children and very especially for those furthest from my Father’s home; I will plead to my Father for them even to the last second.

My Father has already lowered his arm and will initiate the happenings described in his Holy Word, for these end times. Everything has been consummated. Pray with me my little ones and I your Mother, will intercede with the Father, for your purification to be bearable. Fateful days lay before humanity, yet if you my Father’s flock remain steadfast to your Heavenly Father and Mother, all will go by swiftly and my Father will shorten days even more, so you can endure the trials of your purification.

My children, homes which are cenacles of prayer and pray my Rosary with fervor and meditation; homes where the Holy Word of God is practiced, abide the precepts and is consecrated to both our hearts, will be refuges for the times of persecution; and I your Mother, will cover it with my mantle and will make it invisible to the attacks and snares of the devil and hosts of evil. Hereby you know, to make your homes forts of prayer, which will protect you in these times of darkness.

Dear children, these prayer homes must be clean of all worldly contamination; the people who dwell in them must be in communion with God and peace, harmony and prayer must reign within them. No one must be away from God’s commandments, and therein there may not dwell, people living in common law, nor adultery, or mortal sin. If there are young adults, these must consecrate themselves to my Immaculate Heart and not listen to worldly music or of my adversary nor fornicate with their couples. All who live in these homes must live by the precepts of my Father, only then, will they be chosen as my Marian refuges.

The ictus or fish symbol will be the signal of my Marian refuges. You must place this signal at your front door; on the inside of this door, you must place: a Sacramental Stop, the Glorious Cross of Dozulé, the Holy Face of my Son, a Saint Michael’s medal, a medal to my advocacy of the Miraculous, and a medal or image of my beloved spouse Joseph. All these must be blessed by one of my chosen children (Priest).

My children, these homes chosen as my refuges, will be protected by my Father’s hand and by mine, when the Angel of Divine Justice, passes pouring the cup of bitterness over humanity. I ask you my children that those homes which comply with these requirements begin to prepare to house my children in the times of persecution. My children, do not let these homes have discrimination, pride, or envies; on the contrary, that charity and love are well open, to receive my tired and burdened children from walking in the desert. As of now, start furbishing my refuges, for creation is about to start its transformation and the time of Divine Justice is knocking at the door. May God’s peace be with you and my motherly protections keep you. Your Mother, Sanctifying Mary.

Source: ➥
