Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Call of Sanctifying Mary to Children of God.

Little Children I Do Not Intercede Any More for Mercy Time is Enlarged; I Will Just Intercede for the Salvation of the Souls!


Little children of my hearts, peace of god be with you.

Very soon the trumpets will return to ring, and this time will listen it with increased power calling mankind be ready for the arrival of ‘warning’. It is time little children to gather in your homes and take refuge in prayer; so what in any moment all will change. Do not thing because nothing has happened, nothing will happen. Remember that the written in the Holy World of God will fulfilled to the letter. The purification of creation and the creatures this by comply as it is written.

Little children already My Father lovely asked me to let Him do His Holy Will; as a mother I will remain interceding for the salvation of souls, and very especially for those that are more away from God. Little children I do not intercede any more for mercy time is enlarged; I will just intercede for the salvation of the souls! In Divine Will the time of mercy has been consumed; just is missing the awakening of consciences for the time is totally consumed. Be prepared for the peace in the world very soon will be broken, and everything will begin to chance.

Almost there for the arm of My Father fully discharged, the schism of the church will happen in any moment. Fulfilled this prophesy, other events will be given in chain. For that little children, be prepared, because you do not know the day or hour, that all will begin. I am overcome of sadness to know how many souls will lose. For they do not want to pay attention to heavenly calls is doing to refuse in the Divine Mercy; they keep with their crazy racing of debauchery and sin; when they wake up of their spiritual lethargy and want to benefit of God Mercy, it will be very late for them, because the Divine Justice will separated them to flock of My Son and they will not listened.

Little children the creation is about to groan from the entrails; fire in chain will pour out from the earth, the water of sea will flood cities; the earth will shake and will open it making listens its lament. Oh creatures come back to god as soon as possible, for the Mercy Time is finished! Intone songs and appeals for the Divine Justice will easier and you can face this trails days with faith and hope, so I tell you little children, that in the Justice Time you will testing like gold in fire. Pray with me little children My Holy Rosary and ask for the salvation of souls that are far way of God for they can attain the mercy of warning. Have charity with your brethren and help each other.

Remains united for that you can walk with me holding my hand and go through the desert of your purification save. Forward my children, the hour is about, but do not be afraid! Do not abandon my rosary for you do not turn away the path; my rosary is the compass that will guide you to the gates of new creation.

Trust in your mother, who love you and will not abandon you if you do not abandon me. Cheer up my little children! Be brave! Take refuge in my Immaculate Hearts and all will happen as a dream!

I love you! Your mother: Sanctifying Mary

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