Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Mary’s Mystical Rose Urgent Appeal to the Nation of Colombia.

Oh My Beloved Colombia, How I Suffer Watching You Sin!


Little children of my beloved Colombia, straighten your journey.

I am very sad and my heart is torn by the indifference and ingratitude of the vast majority of humanity. As my Father’s awakening of consciousness approaches, the signals in the sky will intensify, many souls will be lost, because they are not prepared spiritually and continue to wander in darkness, separated from God by sin, and their souls will not endure the Father's presence.

My pain is great to know that time of mercy is running out and the vast majority of my children continue in sin. Oh my beloved Colombia, how I suffer see you sinning! I tell you that soon you will be purified, so that ye may be worthy of the Will of my Father. How much I have been pleading to my father for you, beloved Colombia, waiting for your sincere conversion! But not, every day you intensify your sin and you magnify the pain of this Mother. I will continue praying for you, my beloved nation so that your purification will be easier. Awaken daughter of Zion! Straighten your path! And stop killing my babies, because the blood of my little ones cries out for justice!

I tell you beloved Colombia, you who are privileged among many nations, because from there, will come the cry of freedom that will awaken the world. Time is running out on you more and more, and your conversion is not given. I do not want to see you suffer; I do not wish to see you desolate and dressed in mourning for the loss of your children, by the destruction of your cities. My call is an urgent one my beloved children of Colombia, to pray my Rosary with more intensity. May the whole nation fall back onto God and ask for forgiveness for their sins; imitate the people of Nineveh, fast and pray for your conversion and the conversion of your nation. Pray for the end of violence in all its forms. That the whole nation on the last day of this month dedicated to the Father, at noon, hour of my Angelus, stop your work for a moment and pray my Rosary with me, I ask you fasting for that day so that together we pray to the Father for the conversion of your nation. My Father, who is infinitely merciful, will hear your prayers and supplications, and as he did with the inhabitants of Nineveh, He will also have mercy on you and will not punish or destroy your country.

Accept my call, little children of my beloved Colombian nation, you know well I love this nation and do not want to see her suffer and mourn the loss of your children. Come little children, I'm with you, together we will cry unto the Father to have mercy on your country and you will not need to know His Holy Justice. Your mother: Mary Mystical Rose, who loves you.

Make known this message to all my children, my beloved Colombia.

Source: ➥
