Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mary Mystical Rose Urgent Appeal to Mankind.

Little Children, I Call from This Chosen City, to All Mankind Without Distinction of Creed, Race, or Religion; Come Back to the Father's House, There is Only One True Trinitarian Divinity God Who Loves All His Creation and His Creatures!


Little children of my heart, may the peace of God be with you all. My heart is desolate and sad at the loss of so many souls; the time of Divine Justice is increasingly closer. O mankind, what is happening to you! Why do you not listen to this Mother who bends over backwards of love for you! Do not pin any more thorns onto my aching heart, reconsider and repent before the time of Divine Justice starts. I tell you, you do not know what you will face.

Little children, when the time of the Holy Divine Justice arrives, there will be no time to repent. Do not be so stubborn, see that everything is about to begin at any moment and the vast majority of humanity is still riding in sin. Remember: God loves you, but hates your sin; stop sinning already, because time is no longer time! Abide by these latter bells of mercy, because justice will be coming soon.

Little children, I call on you from this chosen city to all mankind without distinction of creed, race or religion; come back to the Father's house, there is only one true Trinitarian Divinity God who loves all His creation and His creatures. Do not worship any other gods, nor worship deities brought by the hand of man, because these separate you from the love of the one true God. Little children, look how merciful is the Father who, even knowing that many of you turn your back to Him, to follow doctrines of strange gods; He remains faithful giving you his love and waiting to be recognized as the universal God.

Oh nations prepare for the awakening of consciousness by which you will become aware of the existence of the one true God, the Lord of all creation visible and invisible, God of gods and Lord of lords. He who is and who was and forever will be. I am calling on you, little children, who worship strange gods, abide to the love and mercy of God the Father Yahweh, be not afraid, my Father, who is your Father, loves you and His mercy will be bigger with you during the Warning, to awaken again to this earthly life, it recognize Him, as the only true God, and rejoin His flock and you may be one flock under the care of a single pastor.

My Children, My Father is waiting to show you the truth, do not think He will punish you, do not think He will make any reproach, not little ones, My Father is love in essence and is waiting for you with open arms, so that you may return as prodigal sons to thy parents ‘house. The flood of His mercy to all mankind will soon give and all nations will adore Him and recognize Him as the one true God. Thereby prepare your souls little ones, for the hour of great mercy is at hand. May the peace of God be with you and my maternal protection assists you. Your Mother, Mary Mystical Rose.

Make this message known across the confines of the earth.

Source: ➥
