Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Urgent Call from Sacramental Jesus to Mankind.

O Humanity in Mortal Sin, O Lukewarm of Heart if You Do Not Awaken with My Warning, I Assure You That You Will Be Lost Eternally!


My children, peace be with you

Woe to the souls which continue wandering in the darkness, for there will be no awakening for many! Once again I tell you, put your affairs in order, and reconcile as soon as possible with your Celestial Father, so that your souls will not know the fires of the Divine Justice. Truly, I tell you, that whoever is in mortal sin, if he does not repent from the heart, and retakes the path of salvation, your soul could be lost in the depths of the abyss at the hour of awakening of consciences arrives.

I warn you, rebel and sinful sheep so that you return to the flock and keep away from sin; come close to one of my shepherds and confess your faults; be not afraid, I am the Good Shepherd who gives his life for His sheep, who abandons the ninety nine to go in search of the lost sheep. Reconcile with your Eternal Shepherd so that you can be in green pastures, and in the fresh waters where you will calm your hunger and quench your thirst.

Repent and convert rebel youth, repent and convert prostitutes, homosexuals, adulterers, lustful, fornicators, drug addicts, alcoholics, liars, thieves, sorcerers, envious, aborting mothers, and others souls that are wandering in mortal sin, so that your temporal time through eternity does not become an eternal nightmare. The time of My warning is knocking the door, do not sin anymore; your souls are being lost, and many will not come back; the silence of death will overcome many of you and no one will hear you.

O humanity in mortal sin, o lukewarm of heart if you do not awaken with my warning, I assure you that you will be eternally lost! Already the horsemen of my Justice are approaching, and they bring desolation to the inhabitants of earth. Die-hard sinners, what are you waiting for to return to God? I remind you that during the time of my My Justice there will be no time for mercy.

Parents do not be mute dogs; your spiritual silence will be the perdition of your families! Speak in time, and out of time, tell your children that eternal life or death is real; that hell and demons exist, and that they are expecting sinners, and all those who are away from God and transgress His precepts.

Parents reconcile your home with God; give good example to your children, attend the Holy Sacrifice with your offspring; search my shepherds, and you and your families make life confessions and encourage your family members, because truly I tell you, that you will be responsible before me for the loss of your family. Listen to what My Word says and practice it: The ax is already laid at the root of the tree, and every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut and thrown into the fire. (Mathew 3. 10)

I warn you, parents so that you do not have to lament tomorrow. You and your families come back to God for we will be one family in the kingdom of My Father. Your Shepherd: Sacramental Jesus; the beloved who is not loved.

Source: ➥
