Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, October 1, 2012

Urgent Call from Mary Mystical Rose to the Marian Militant Army.

Marian Militant Army, Your Banner Will Be My Rosary and My Son’s Cross, Printed on a White and Red Fabric with the Image of Our Two Hearts!


My Marian army peace of God be with you all and my maternal protection help you always.

My brave and faithful little children, oil your armor with prayer and strengthen your defenses with faith, love and trust in God, for the final battle for your freedom is about to begin. I need you ready and prepared for you to join me and the heavenly hosts, and together defeat my adversary and his armies of evil off from the face of the earth.

I your captain summon you to prepare yourselves physically, psychologically and spiritually for the spiritual battle which will give you your freedom. The sign of the cross of my Son in the heavens will declare the proximity of all the events described in the Holy Word of God and the messages we have send to humanity through our messengers during these recent times.

Militant Marian Army, your banner will be my Rosary and the cross of my Son, printed in red and white cloth with the image of our two hearts. This is the flag you must print and brought with you into battle. My adversary will flee if you bear it with faith, lift up my banner as did our servant Moses with the staff that gave victory to the people of Israel. I your captain will keep your company with Michael and the heavenly hosts to guide you towards victory. Forward my warriors remember that success belongs to our two hearts!

I announce to you my children, that the time of Divine Justice is about to be unleashed, the cross of my Son will soon appear in the sky and all flesh shall see it, many graces will be received by those who honor it, it is the cross of Golgotha ​​which will strengthen you in spirit and prepare you for the Warning. Children, for seven days and seven nights the glorious cross of my Son will remain in the sky, I ask that you offer up all your miseries and sins, as with your relatives more distant from God, so they can convert during the awakening of consciences and thereby join the flock of the great Shepherd.

Children, the time of the miracle will be very short, but enough for the evangelization in all the earth. All my faithful children will help to finally waken the lukewarm souls so they are not to be lost and be able to define themselves once and for all. The miracle will be the time of the great harvest, the wheat will be separated from the chaff and the sheep will be separated from the goats, thus the flock of my Son will be ready.

Therefore little children remain awake, do not fall asleep, lest the night finds you unprepared: remember that time is no longer time and at any time during this time all will be unleashed. May my blessing and protection be with you my son's flock. Your Mother, Mary Mystical Rose loves you. The Aguacatala Sanctuary.

Source: ➥
