Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Friday, November 9, 2012

Mary Mystical Rose Urgent Call to All Nations.

The Kings of This World Want to Destabilize Peace, Thereby Wipe out Much of Humanity!


My little children, let the peace of God be with you.

Little children, the vast majority of humanity does not want to embrace the mercy of God. My heart as mother of mankind feels very sad, to see the contempt of these ungrateful children! My Father respects your free will and imposes nothing, yet shows you the good and the bad; if you allow yourself be guided by Him, He will bring you to everlasting life, yet if ye abandon Him and turn your back on Him, He too will forsake you.

The vast majority of humanity walks without God and without law, they deny the existence of the Almighty and believe themselves to be gods.

Poor creatures, when they awake from the delusion in which my adversary has them, it will be too late for them! The pleasures of the flesh and worldly materialism are leading humanity to its doom. Noncompliance to Divine precepts, the worldliness and easy living, will cause many to be lost. Time has begun its countdown, days, months and years, no longer have the same duration, everything is accelerating and mankind has not noticed it. My Father will wait until the last second for this humanity to become conscious and repent. Otherwise, the chastisement will come with all its dire consequences.

Little children, intensify your prayer and pray for peace, for it is about to crumble. The kings of this world want to destabilize peace, to exterminate most of humanity. There are plans of mass destruction, technology of death would be used to vanish much of the world's population. Therefore, I ask my children to pray, to fast and to do penance, to stop the course of these catastrophic events for humanity. The lust for power and expansionism of the powers and bring war and with it death and desolation. My Marian army, thereby be alert and vigilant, remember that the power of chain prayer is the only that can stop these events. Unite in prayer to my Immaculate Heart and pray my Rosary with me, to stop my adversary’s plans and his forces of evil. I call on all nations to have worldwide days of prayer with my Holy Rosary, and therewith stop the plans of mass destruction that my adversary and his host of evil want to carry out, to wipe out a large part of the world’s population.

My Marian army prepare yourselves, because everything is about to begin. Prayer, fasting, and penance, together with faith and trust in God, are the weapons with which we will defeat my adversary and his forces of evil. It is with the power of chain prayer that my adversary's strengths will be weakened. I count pn you, my little ones. Remember: The victory is of the children of God. Your Mother who loves you. Mary Mystical Rose.


Source: ➥
