Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Urgent Call from Jesus of Good Shepherd to Humanity.

The Days of Your Trial Are Approaching and Immense Majority Still Walking in the Darkness!


Sheep of my flock, peace be with you.

The days of your trial are approaching and immense majority still walking in the darkness! Everything old will go with the awakening of consciences; you will be new creatures after my ‘warning’. Take advance of my latest bells of mercy, do not keep walking in darkness, and remember that I do not want your death. Sin and wickedness have appropriated of this mankind, love and mercy of God are rejected; everyday is intensifying sin, I tell you that the time of this generation is at hand to finish.

Many already do not believe in the existent of God, and turn back of His precepts, to see that nothing is happened. Oh what senseless you are! You think as men not as God! Your ways are not my ways, and your thoughts are not my thoughts. If I do not unleash my just wrath, it is for I am expecting until the last second that my mercy will depleted, because I am not pleased with the death of sinner. Remember I am slow to anger and rich in mercy. I am faithful and every think that I promise I fulfill. When the time of mercy fulfilled, the justice will come.

Great events are about to happened, that will begin your trail and many will be lost by their stubbornness and rebellion. All will be unleashed suddenly; one event will follow another. Wake up o mankind from your spiritual lethargy that the night of justice is approaching! I am making calls to conversion but you do not want to listen; you are keeping in your worldly worries and daily life, and turn back to my calls. I am full of sadness to know that days of justice are approaching and the immense majorities are in their crazy race of debauchery and sin.

My mercy will finish with the ‘warning’ and ‘miracle’, for that I am calling, once again, to be preparing for this great event that will change your life. Stay away from sin and come back to me, make a good life confession, so you can reach mercy. Do not be stubborn, look that time is not time and that very soon night will cover you and then you will not be heard.

When the trial ends, I will be with you, I expect you in the new heaven and in the new earth; encourage, almost there, and I am waiting for you my loyal sheep. My children love and help each other; be my disciples of my love, do good even if they pay badly; forgive your enemies and pray for your persecutors, do not keep hard feelings toward anyone, and do not hold bitterness. Behave like children of light, for your light enlighten the way of those which are in darkness. Do not fear, remain in my love that my love conquers all and it will be give you freedom. My peace I leave you, my peace I give you. Repent and convert, for the kingdom of God is at hand. Your Master and Pastor: Jesus the Good Shepherd of all times.

Make known my messages, sheep of my flock.

Source: ➥
