Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Appeal from the Sacred Heart of Jesus to Colombian Nation.

O My Beloved Colombia is Near Your Purification Time!


My peace be with you, sons and daughters of my beloved Colombia.

My people be spiritually prepared and collect yourself in prayer, because is drawing close your purification day. America, continent of hope, I have chosen you, so that from one of your daughters will come out the scream of freedom!

O my Colombia! You are my chosen; in your land I sowed the seed of freedom! From here I will bring to pass my plan of salvation for these end times. My beloved Colombia, you are about to be purified; I will cleanse you from every stain of sin from your entrails, so that tomorrow you can be the new Colombia, that beacon of light that I need to enlighten the darkness of so many nations.

O my loved is coming the day of your transformation! I will cover your nakedness with my mantle, and I will clothe you in white for you to be the most beautiful brides; nations will know that you are my chosen one. I will betroth you and you will shine radiant as the most radian star; I will adopt your sons and daughters for them to be my heirs; I never again will remember your past!

Get ready my loved, because your beloved is near, give me your fiat for make you my favourite. Fear not, my beloved, for the purification, I am with you, it is necessary for me to espouse you; do not be afraid, everything will go according to my will. I want to make you my wife for you to be light for nations, shelter and comfort of my people, asylum and hope for refugees, who will come from other nations to stay in your land in search of peace.

O my beloved Colombia is near your purification time! I need you purified so you can carry out my plan of salvation. Be happy my loved, because I have chosen you among many nations to be my wife; before you born as nation, I had already chosen you! Recall, I glorify most abundantly myself in the hard and dry stones from where I make sprout out streams of Living Water.

My peace be with you my beloved.

Your fiancé: The Sacred Heart of your beloved Jesus

Make known my messages to all mankind

Source: ➥
