Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, September 30, 2013

Urgent Appeal of Jesus ​​The Good Shepherd to His Flock.

Every Time You Engage in Spiritual Warfare, Call on My Mother by Praying the Angelus and Call on Michael with the Combat Prayer Given to Pope Leo Xiii!


The New World Order will be established on earth after the war. Henceforth prepare my flock, because my incarnate adversary will soon make his statement to humanity: remember that you cannot see nor listen to the false messiah, for you run the risk of being lost, because he has power in his words and in his eyes to seduce, and deceive humanity.

Once more, I remind you that you should seal with my Blood; your body, soul and spirit, and to put on your spiritual armour. Also seal with my blood your relatives, especially those who are most distant from Me; seal with my blood your homes, animals and all your belongings, especially radios, telephones, televisions, computers, tape recorders and any other equipment through which the voice of my adversary might leak.

From the moment of my adversary’s declaration, starts the end to his reign, and earth will be the last battlefield. Therefore, my children, from now on you should be armed spiritually with your armor on your body every morning and night, and well-oiled with prayer, so that you can repel all attacks of the hosts of evil. Do not turn away from me for a single moment, mentally pray at all times, so that each day you can face the mental attacks which will be stronger day by day and will cause many to be lost for lack of prayer.

You very well know that you are in spiritual battle and the enemy you confront is not of flesh nor bone, but spiritual, with power and dominion over dark world. Therefore, commit not yourself to any spiritual battle on your own without divine protection, because ye can be defeated and lose your soul.

Every time you go into spiritual warfare, call on my mother by praying the Angelus and call upon Michael with the combat prayer given to Pope Leo XIII. The power of the Angelus drives demons away and the power of the combat prayer to our Beloved Michael, is powerful armor of protection. These two prayers you must learn by heart and particularly pray them each time you go into spiritual battle.

My adoptive father Joseph also expects that you remember him and call him with this aspiration that drives away demons and says: Saint Joseph terror of demons, come to my assistance. His rosary, along with my Mother’s rosary, and the rosary to Michael, snatch many souls from my adversary. Forget not to also pray the Chaplet to my Angels and invoke Gabriel and Rafael, your Guardian Angel, Custodian Angels, and Blessed Souls. Do not disregard all the help Heaven provides you, for you to remain victorious every day and hence, be able to overcome every power of evil.

My peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. Repent, for the kingdom of God is near.

Your Master and Shepherd, Jesus of Nazareth.

Source: ➥
