Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Urgent Appeal of Sanctifying Mary to the Catholic World.

Pray for the Pope and for the Church Because the Forces of Evil in the Vatican Want to Start Its Profanation!


Little children, may the peace of God be with you.

The Glory of God is near; repent that you may stand before him wearing a white suit. Pray for the Pope and for the Church, because the forces of evil in the Vatican want to start its profanation. The Pope's life is in danger; there is a plot against him. I urgently appeal to the Catholic world to strengthen prayer asking Heavenly Father for the protection of Pope Francis.

The decisions Pope Francis is taking are unsettling many in the Vatican. Ignore the whole smear campaign now taking place against him. This is the vicar of the church disposed by God for these the end times; support him with your prayers and cease judging him, who are you to question God's plan?

Pray better so that the changes about to be implemented by the vicar of the church are not manipulated by the ecclesiastical masonry, as many in the Vatican do not agree with the changes about to take place. Many crimson ones want a polytheistic church, open to other churches and doctrines.

Many Cardinals are divided, some in favor and others against the new changes and policies to be implemented by Pope Francis. The fate of the Church depends upon the prayer of the Catholic people, you ought to support the Pope with your prayers, so that the doctrine of liberation will not be carried out during his pontificate, as many want it to be implemented, arguing that the Church of today should be a modernist church, adjusted to changes in humanity.

These changes should not be affecting the doctrine of the Church, nor the Gospel of my Son. The daily Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, must retain its ritual, its essence, none of the words of the consecration must be handled, everything must remain as my Son instituted it. For this, little children, you must pray so that the wisdom and light of the Holy Spirit guides Pope Francis and that the Church of my Son, is not diverted from the path of the gospel and its doctrine.

Do not abandon Pope Francis, support him with your prayers, so that God's will is carried out during his papacy and that the Church of my Son, continues to be guiding light for all the people of God. May the wisdom of God and the intercession of this Mother assist the Vicar of Christ on the coming changes for the Church and for the Catholic world.

Your Mother, Sanctifying. Mary.

Make this message known to all mankind.

Source: ➥
