Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Friday, November 29, 2013

Jesusā€™, the Blessed Sacrament, Urgent Appeal to the Catholic World.

Pray in Chain, My Children, to Be Abolished in My Church the Communion in the Hand and Lay Giving Communion Because This Sacrilege Makes Mourn the Sky and It Makes My Father Sad!


My children, my peace be with you.

Everything is reaching its limit, so it has been arranged by my Father. The time of mercy is running out, it takes very little to be entirety consumed. Soon the time will come for justice, and everything that you see in the creation will be transformed; with ā€˜the warningā€™ and ā€˜the miracleā€™ will end the time of mercy.

The sky keeps warning mankind to be prepared for these great events which will transform your lives. How sad that many do not want to believe and continue in their daily lives ignoring our calls. Children of little faith, if the events, described in the Holy Word and in the messages that we have been giving to mankind through the prophets of the end times, have not been fulfill, it is by my Fatherā€™s Mercy, who has abstained to fulfill all through the intercession of my Mother. The sky and my Mother are interceding for this humanity, but when the last second of mercy runs out, everything will break loose. Understand that my Father is not pleased with the death of the sinner.

Pray in chain, my children, to be abolished in my church the communion in the hand and lay giving communion because this sacrilege makes mourn the sky and it makes my father sad! Remember that the power or prayer chain, fasting and penance make collapse everything. Its hurts and sadness me to see how many lay and religious desecrate my divinity, some taking me in hand and others giving as if I were a material object or piece of bread, they do not realize that I am alive and real life, who becomes life among you in the simplicity of Consecrated Host. Look! As I am outraged, is this the reward that you give me for my love? Many souls are in depths of purgatory and others have been condemned for this vile desecration. "Noli Me Tangere!ā€ Do not touch me!, because your hands are not worthy of having me and giving me. This sacrament ministry has just giving for my priests, Bishops, Cardinals and the Pope, only Consecrated Hands by anointing priesthood can touch me.

Make good confessions, mortify your senses and pray Psalm 51, which I gave to my Servant David, before receive me in the communion, if you do not take part in my Paschal Supper you cannot be nourish with my Body and my Blood. I say this because many reach the end of the Holy Sacrifice to receive as a mundane thing; others receive me in mortal sin, not knowing that they are drinking the cup of their own condemnation. You must confess minimum each month, but if you commit serious offenses must do so immediately, many taking months without confession, because according to them, they have not sin, I say: you are all sinners, God alone is Holy, O how deceived you are, and what a lack of evangelism in my church! I remind you the words of Psalm 51that says: "For I have been guilt-ridden from birth, a sinner from my motherā€™s womb.ā€ (Psalm 51, 7).

What sadness I feel at seeing so many of my children, receiving my Body and Blood without having confessed first. Apostasy entered my house, many of my houses remain empty and others have become museums and I keep forgotten in the silence of their tabernacles. O what ingratitude! Loneliness and sadness seized me! What pain I feel at seeing the vast majority of humanity so lost! When the dark days come, you are not going to have my houses open, and then, you will cry Lord, Lord, where are you?; come save us, but not one will hear you.

Come to visit me, do not leave me alone, it is your Father and your Savior, who is waiting for you, do not waste the source of mercy that I am offering you; come to soothe your hunger and quench your thirst, I am waiting with open arms to give my love, my forgiveness and life in abundance.

Your beloved Jesus, the Blessed Sacrament.

Make known my messages to all mankind.

Source: āž„
