Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Call of Saint Michael and Celestial Host to the Children of God.

Offspring of My Father Remain United in Prayer, and for No Reason Lose Your Faith and Your Trust in God!


Brethren, may the peace of Almighty be with you

Glory to God! Glory to God! Glory to God! Praise and Exalt the majesty of Supreme God, because great is His love and His mercy is eternal.

The days of greatest tribulation are getting closer and many of you will not resist the trial. In my name and in the name of my brothers, others archangels and angels of the celestial army, want to make an appeal to all those whom are into the world without God and without law. Retake the way of your salvation as soon as possible. Do not be so stubborn; wake up and take conscience because what is at stake is your life!

Unruly brethren, do not you know that if you keep in the path of evil, your souls will be lost forever? Take advantage of these last instants of mercy that my Father gives you to return to Him, so tomorrow you will be able to dwell in the New Creation. I tell you this, my brothers, because the angels of Divine Justice, are ready to empty their bowls upon this ungrateful and sinner humankind of these last times. Just it is missing ‘the warning’ of my Father which is about to arrive so that it will begin the time of Divine Righteousness. Poor of you, mortals who do not know what you are going to face!

Brethren, peace is about to finish, nations are preparing for war; grief, crying and mourning very soon will cover my Father’s creation. Offspring of my father remain united in prayer, and for no reason lose your faith and your trust in God! Do not be afraid, we are with you; invoke us and we will be pleased to come in your aid. Remember that we respect your free will, but if you call us, we will come to give you our protection and to fight in your combats with all evil forces.

Earthly brother, the hour of darkness is at hand; during the tribulation days do not give up praising the Glory of God. Make chains of prayers with your brothers so that it will be easier to remain in victory. From now on begin to make these chains of prayers thereby you are forming spiritual stronghold, and my adversary will be not able to harm you with his poisoned and incendiary darts. Remind that unity makes strength as you say in this world, and it will be the strength of prayers, love, forgiveness and trust in God what will give you victory over the evil forces.

I give as a gift this prayer to my sword so when you pray it you will be able to destroy all evil power; it is spiritual armour for the days of battle which are approaching.


O glorious Saint Michael, vanquisher of infernal dragon, powerful leader of the heavenly armies. Deign to protect us with your glorious sword so that we also be able to defeat the malign and his forces of evil into this world. O glorious sword of Saint Michael, come in our aid; defend us and cover us with rays of the celestial power so that the light of your rays blind Satan and subject him under our feet. O beloved Saint Michael, may your glorious sword come spiritually to us by the grace of God so together with you and the heavenly hosts, we be able to say at one voice: Who like God? No one like God!

Glorious Sword of Saint Michael: from the snares of the malignant one, protect us. In the dark and darkness, enlighten us. From the temptations of devil, set us free; and in the spiritual struggles of every day, defend us. O glorious sword of Saint Michael be our protection at night and day so that we, the militant army, defeat in the face of earth Satan and his demons who seek our fall for steal our souls. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Amen

Thy prince and brother: Michael archangel, and the archangels and angels of the heavenly hosts.

Brothers make known this message to all mankind.

Source: ➥
