Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Sunday, August 30, 2020

Urgent Call of Sanctifying Mary to the People of God. Message to Enoch

Little Children, Remember That Heaven Will Not Abandon You, Therefore, Do Not Fear; I, Your Mother, Will Take Care of You My Little Ones; the Protection of My Holy Rosary Will Armor You So That No Force of Evil Can Hurt You!


My Children, the Peace of my Lord be with all of you and my Maternal Protection accompany you always

Little children, be careful with vaccines because millions will come with the Microchip, the mark of the beast, which will introduce it to you when injected. Other vaccines will decimate the world population and many others will modify the Human Genome. Take care my children with the biometric vaccine called Luciferase, because this vaccine will be one of the many that the Microchip will bring, which will be activated with the technology that you call 5G. Do not fall into the deception of the servants of evil, because what they seek is to mark humanity with the mark of the beast and decimate the world population; it is all a conspiracy on the part of the emissaries of evil, who are taking advantage of the existing pandemic, to mark humanity, decimate it and enslave it.

My poor children, how much you are going to have to suffer in your passage through the desert! All this tribulation that is coming to you is part of your purification. Again I tell you my little ones, consecrate yourselves to Our Two Hearts morning and night, extending the consecration to your children and family members, so that all may be delivered and protected from the mark of the beast and from all the deceptions and conspiracies of the emissaries of evil. Keep this instruction in mind my children, because it will be the protection that will free you from the power of the evil one.

Little children, remember that heaven will not abandon you, therefore, do not fear; I, your Mother, will take care of you my little ones; The protection of my Holy Rosary will shield you so that no evil force can harm you. None of the devotees of my Rosary or their families will be lost, I promise you. Remember: what seems impossible for men, is possible for God; I, your Mother, will not let any sheep of my Son's flock lose. Therefore, little children, hold on to my Holy Rosary, because together with the consecration of Our Two Hearts and the Spiritual Armor, they are the greatest protection that Heaven offers you for this end of time.

Little ones, I once again remind you of the approaching day of the Warning, worry about being in God's grace so that that day you can reach eternity full of joy and jubilation and be irreproachable before the Supreme Court. Prepare yourselves therefore for the arrival of this glorious day, where the pure of heart will see the Splendor of the Glory of God. My children, the Celestial Trumpets are sounding in all corners of the earth, calling for conversion and inviting humanity to be prepared for the arrival of the Warning. Do not be afraid, because the Mercy of God is about to be poured out on all humanity, seeking the salvation of the greatest number of souls. You are humanity of these last times, the most sinful that has existed on the face of the earth, but you are also the most privileged, because after purification, a remnant of you will be called God's Chosen People, who will dwell with Him, the New Heavens and the New Earth.

So take advantage, my little ones, of the little time in which the Houses of my Father will be open for you to go in search of one of my Beloveds and make a good confession of life, who will free you in your passage through eternity from the fire of hell. I urge you my children, so that you are ready and prepared for the arrival of that great day, which is already knocking at the door of your soul. Spread the prayer of my Holy Rosary and my seven Hail Marys and remain prayerful and vigilant with your lamps oiled with prayer, because your Master is drawing near.

Stay my children in the Peace of my Lord

Your Mother loves you, Mary Sanctifying

Make my invocation and these messages of salvation, my little ones, known to the whole world.

Consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary

The Most Holy Rosary

Source: ➥
