Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, June 5, 2014
You put your whole existence into things that have no value before the Father!
- Message No. 577 -
My child. My dear child. There you are. Sit with Me and listen to what I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, want to say today to Our children of the earth: You live as if it will go on forever. You are putting your energy, your strength, even your whole existence into things that have no value before the Father. You must stop living as if God, the Creator and Father, does not exist! God is with you! God loves you! He has "given" you His Son, so that you all find your way back to Him, because Jesus, My Holy Son and Son of the Almighty Father, is the way back to Him, to your Creator!
You live isolated from the one who created you. You "glorify" yourselves, create "idols" and admire them, cheer them, "idolize" them! You follow the path of the devil and do not see the truth!
My children. Confess to Jesus and give your YES to HIM! Only your repentance will save you from harm, only My Son will lead you the way to the Father! Without HIM you will be lost, without HIM the devil will take possession of your soul, cover you with more and more veils of mist, and the truth will remain hidden from you.
The devil is lying in wait for you! Jesus preserves you! So come to Him and desist from sin and shame! See what the devil has brought you and begin to know the truth!
Self-glorification, worship and idolization of those you have raised to idols are sinful and remove you more and more from God, your Creator in Heaven! So wake up and rise from the devil's veils of mist!
Ask the Holy Spirit, He may give you clarity and knowledge, and see the truth! Live according to the values and commandments of the Lord! Then your soul will not be lost, and your place in the New Kingdom of My Son will be given to you. So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption. Amen.
Source: ➥