Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
This consecration will save you from the worst!
- Message No. 958 -
Again I call you: Consecrate Russia to My Immaculate Heart!
My child. My dear child. Please write and listen to what I, your Mother in Heaven who loves you, want to say to the children of the earth today: Wake up and get ready, because if you continue to sleep, do not rise and do not find Jesus, then your Sleeping Beauty sleep will soon become a nightmare, and from it there will be no escape for you!
Look the truth in the face, My children, and get ready! You are at the end of your time on earth, but you live as if it would go on unceasingly.
Beloved children in the "affluent states" and Europe: If you don't move towards Jesus, start praying and change your lifestyle, you will ALL perish soon.
The end is coming, but you live in sham and deceit, in luxury and lottery, and you deprive your soul of any possibility to find its salvation!
You live in fun and joy, which earthly goods and temptations bring you, but you do not see how transient all this is!
You must convert and find My Son, because evil is already knocking at your doors, and you just overhear it!
When it is in the midst of you, beloved children, then it will be too late for change, because you will be presented with a fait accompli, which you cannot change by your own hand!
Your wailing will be great and your lifestyle miserable, because what is coming is evil planned by the devil!
You will lose your freedom, you will lose your peace, oppression and misery will come upon you and your countries, yet you have the chance to DO SOMETHING NOW!
Stand up! Rise up! And find My Son!
Pray, My children, pray, so that peace may be kept and take the necessary steps, so that even the last one of you may convert, pray and GIVE HIS BEST to live in harmony with Heaven and recognize the earthly dangers (seductions, beguilements, ... of any kind!) and renounce (them)!
Children, there is not much time left!
Again I call you to obey My wish and to let the Russia consecration to My Holy Mother's Heart take place. This consecration will save you from the worst, My children.
So now follow My call and consecrate Russia to My Immaculate Heart. Amen.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Make this known as soon as possible. Amen. Rest now. Amen.
Source: ➥