Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Monday, October 14, 2024

You Have Been Lied To!

- Message No. 1454 -


Message of October 11, 2024

Mother of God: My child. I, your Heavenly Mother, am worried about you. The children do not listen to Our word. They live as if it would go on forever, as if there were only the earthly life, as if your world were in 'good hands' and not interwoven with the devil, but the situation in your world is getting increasingly worse, it is becoming more threatening for all the children of the earth, but too few of you are willing to repent and give their yes and their lives to Jesus, to entrust them to Him.

Children, children, be warned, because the end WILL come upon you, and you will not have expected it.

Everything is happening so quickly that you will simply be 'overrun'!

Your readiness and your devotion to My son, Jesus Christ, will be especially tested in these days.

Only the faithful children will be protected.

Those who remain attached to the world, to earthly things, will face fearful days.

Destruction of every kind will overtake ALL PARTS OF YOUR EARTH(!), even where you never expect it!

I, your Heavenly Mother, am concerned about you.

You must repent and prepare your soul, because your soul is immortal, beloved children that you are, and it is your soul that must be saved, not your earthly prosperity and well-being!

God the Father: Do not get stuck in either unbelief or misbelief, My children, because only Jesus Christ is the way to Me and into the Kingdom of Heaven!

Do not fall for the lies of those who preach something different to you!

Those who do not find their way to Jesus, My Son who became flesh for you, will not enter the kingdom of heaven, and they will not return to Me, to their Father, God, I Am, the Creator of all of you and your Father in heaven!

You have been lied to and will continue to be lied to by those who are not with Me (!), beloved children, and they lead you astray and lead you to the one to whom they are close!

Jesus: Be warned, and do not listen to their lies , for only I Am the Way and the Truth, only I, Jesus Christ, lead you back to the Father.

God the Father: So find your way to Jesus, My Son who loves you so much and died for you on the cross, because only HE is the way home, only HE!

An angel of the Lord: So listen to what the Father, Jesus and the Mother are saying, because they are concerned about you, about the salvation of your soul.

God the Father: No one, I repeat: No one do We want to see lost, but so many of you rush straight into the abyss!

Jesus: Whoever does not convert, I will not be able to do anything for him, and his soul will be lost.

Mother of God: Hear what My Son is speaking and repent, beloved children that you are.

I love you very much.

Your readiness and surrender to My Son will be tested.

An Angel of the Lord: So be ready, beloved children, be ready, because whoever is not will be lost. Amen.

Mother of God: Only your repentance will save you from ruin and downfall, only your repentance!

Only My Son, your Jesus, will grant you entry into the New Kingdom and the Kingdom of Heaven of the Father, only My Son, your Jesus!

God the Father: Whoever is not with HIM, whoever is unfaithful, lukewarm or on the wrong track, will not be allowed in. The gates will remain closed to him and his fall into hell will be sealed.

Mother of God: So listen to the Father and find Jesus. I, your Mother in Heaven, am very worried about you, because time is running out, but only a few are preparing. Amen.

Your Mother in Heaven, with Jesus, the Father and an angel of the Lord, with great mighty and archangels with swords and lances and battle armor for protection. Amen.

Source: ➥
