Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Fourth Sunday after Easter.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The entire sacrificial altar and the altar of Mary were bathed in a bright light. The father symbol above the altar of sacrifice was especially enlightened. The angels moved in and out during the Holy Sacrificial Mass and grouped themselves around the tabernacle.

The Heavenly Father will also speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today, the fourth Sunday after Easter, My beloved little band, My beloved children and My beloved followers through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only My words.

My beloved children from near and far, My beloved followers and My beloved little flock, what does truth mean? Where do you find the truth? You should always ask yourself this question. The truth lies in the Seven Sacraments. The truth lies in the Holy Mass of sacrifice. The truth lies only in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic faith. Only there you can find the truth and live it.

You, My followers, have already followed Me in My demands that I have set in My messages. You have not always held everything and lived in truth. But you want to repent because you feel there is no truth to be found in this modernist church. There it says that all religions are united in this church. So you cannot discover the truth, and you certainly cannot live it. You will be led astray.

I have sent to you many messengers and messengers who proclaim My truth. But they too want to continue to go into the modernist church to celebrate the meal fellowship. Can you there, My beloved messengers, discover the truth? Can there the Holy Spirit penetrate into you and My Mother, the Heavenly Mother, the Bride of the Holy Spirit, ask these streams of grace for you? No, My beloved children, this is not possible, because only from this Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V these streams of graces flow.

How many priests today no longer live in the truth. They have turned away from the sacrificial meal. They are not My sacrificial priests. They are priests who belong to the world and have joined the world in its comforts and desires. They do not want to turn back, because they do not want to let this happen. Their life is very comfortable. But turning back would mean sacrifices for them. You must take the cross upon yourself. They must carry the cross - carry it through and make others aware of the full truth of Jesus Christ in His True, Catholic Holy Church. Do these priests still do it today? No! They live Protestantism and proclaim the confused Church, the Church that has gone astray, that lies in total destruction, that has already been destroyed by the Supreme Shepherd.

Can you believe, My beloved children, that this Supreme Shepherd is the true Pope? No! You can't. It is the false prophet who continues to lead you astray and misinform you. He cannot be the true pope, because the Antichrist will follow. You will all see it soon. He will push this false prophet from the throne to acquire this throne for himself. This church, which is taught today, continues to go into deep confusion. Never will she be able to proclaim the truth and live the truth, because she herself does not have the breakthrough to the Holy Spirit. The priests live in grave sin and sacrilege and do not want to leave. You still want to be the first. Never am I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, important to you. More important to them are the people who cheer them, and important to them is the world. It has much to offer. Why should they turn back? The victims are very uncomfortable, and celebrating the sacrificial meal is not important. It has already become the same as the milling community. The meal fellowship and sacrificial mass are one - this is what this church teaches. Can you all take this to be truth and pass it on as truth? No, My beloved ones! This is not possible. You must use your own mind, otherwise you cannot turn back. If you let yourselves be guided by your feelings, you will not want to turn back, for the world possesses you. In the world you seek the truth. In the world everything is offered to you. This is how you want to live. The priests will not enlighten you in this church, for they themselves do not live the truth.

I, the Heavenly Father, am full of sadness about these My priests who do not want to follow the true path of faith and continue to lead the faithful astray. You have no guilty conscience. No! they say: "Our bishops teach us this, and the Supreme Shepherd does not celebrate the Tridentine Holy Sacrificial Feast either. Consequently, it must not be true that this Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V should be celebrated in all churches.

And yet I tell you, My beloved children, the time will come when everyone will long for this Holy Sacrificial Feast, when they will seek the Truth and cannot find it anywhere, because the faithful do not want to continue to live in this confusion and in this delusion.

My beloved children, when can I count on you to take up your cross yourselves, to ask for Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, that you cannot live in this world because you are not of this world? I have created you for heaven, for eternal glory, and after that your heart must desire and for nothing else. I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, am the true way, the truth and the life.

Go out of these modernist churches and live the truth. In vain have I not asked My children to film this Holy Sacrificial Feast and to have a DVD of it burned, to bring it into the world so that you can stay out of the modernist churches. You have the opportunity and do not take it.

Soon the big event will come. My Son Jesus Christ will appear in great power and glory in the firmament with His heavenly Mother. And then, My beloved children, what happens to you? Before that the soul show will come. What will the soul show tell you? Your sins and your grave transgressions are revealed, and the glory of heaven remains closed to you.

Turn back, for I love you and have redeemed you all through the suffering of My Son on the cross. You are to become free through this redemption, to become free from your own will and to fulfill the will of the heavenly Father, my will, completely. In total surrender you shall live. I want to be important to you and the center of your life.

I take leave of you for today and bless you in the Trinity with all the angels and saints, especially with My Heavenly Mother, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live the truth, live love and stay in love! Love your neighbor as I love you. Amen.


