Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Heart of Mary atonement Saturday and Cenacle. Feast of Saint Monica.

The Mother of God speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Cenacle, the Rosary and the Holy Sacrificial Mass, many angels streamed into this house church in Göttingen, Kiesseestrasse 51b. The Blessed Mother shone in bright splendor. Her rays were visible from afar. I saw them radiating far out over trees and houses. The rays also enveloped the Child Jesus and the Little King of Love. The Blessed Mother took the bouquet of flowers that she had received for her feast day, the Cenacle, in her hand and said: "I am the Mother of Beautiful Love. I beam at you. Not only will I radiate into your hearts, but I will radiate into you with the embers of True and Beautiful Love.

Our Lady will speak today: I, your dearest Mother, will speak today to this Cenacle, to which you have taken refuge, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who repeats only the words that come from Me, your Heavenly Mother I have taken you all, as Bride of the Holy Spirit, into the Pentecost Hall. There you will recognize the truth and radiate love, because your heart is filled with the happiness of love at this moment.

Yes, My beloved children, My beloved faithful, My pilgrims from near and far, My beloved followers and My beloved little flock, I, as Mother of Beautiful Love, as Mother and Queen of Priests, want to give you today important information for the future. I want to point the way to the near coming of My Son Jesus Christ with Me, His dearest Mother, in Wigratzbad.

My beloved children, My Immaculate Heart will prevail. Don't you know that? Put yourselves all into My Immaculate Heart. I am the mother of beautiful love. I am also the purity, the purity in everything.

Why do I look today at the Curia in the Vatican, at the Curia of the Pope? It should embody purity and lead the Holy Father into the truth and encourage him in it.

What is the situation today, My beloved ones? Have I not reason, as the mother of priests and as the mother of the entire Church, to weep tears of blood in many places? And yet, my beloved children, my priestly sons for the most part do not listen to me and do not let themselves be led into the truth, no, they reject this truth. They do not obey the words of the Heavenly Father, - My Father and your Father in heaven. Why do so many priests reject the Blessed Sacrament? Why don't they hold worship, no atonement nights? Isn't it time now to pray, to sacrifice and to atone? Where is the atonement in the highest ranks? They do not expiate because they are not aware of any guilt. Can you believe this, my beloved believers from near and far? Is not this Pope Francis I the false prophet? Does he bring people into the truth? Does he himself live the truth and testify to it? No! He leads people astray and into confusion. Can you still believe that this Pope is true and leads the Church - the True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church? No! He cultivates ecumenism. He should proclaim the love, the love of the Triune God and give himself to My Immaculate Heart. No! It will get worse, My beloved ones!

The church is destroyed - for a long time! And what is coming into the Vatican now? The biggest dirt. Satan determines and leads his kingdom here. He now has the power and believes to keep it forever.

He overthrew the previous pope. Satan has taken away his power. And yet he lingers in the rooms of the Vatican. Can this be right? Is it right for him to wear the clothes of the pope? Benedict XVI did not lie in the truth, My beloved ones. He has proclaimed untruth and also lived it.

And now it is the turn of the false prophet. Now do I not have to take the chessboard, My beloved children, and present it to My Son Jesus Christ and say: Show men that there is truth because you are the truth, love and life and the way. Where do people err? I, as mother of the church, cannot hold it. I cannot convince them that You are the Truth, dearest Heavenly Father in the Trinity.

And us? We belong to the Blessed Mother if we follow Her, if we want to win Her trust, if we believe Her, that She lets us dwell in Her Immaculate Heart and that She leads us to eternal bliss. Up there, with the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, we want to live once. Through Our Lady, through her love, we are led there.

But what does it look like when I don't believe, My beloved ones, when I lie in modernism, when I take refuge in modernist churches and seek the truth there and feel safe there? What happens to me then? My beloved children, then you are consecrated to Satan. Nothing else. You will see that this homolobby will find its way into all churches. This has not only become public in the Vatican. No, in all magazines, in all media it is soon announced that also My sons of priests, who should be the purest, are going astray, are living in impurity and this uncleanness, this greatest filth. And I, as a mother, as Pure Immaculate Mother, must watch this, and yet cannot change anything. Doesn't your Heavenly Father have to intervene?

And what is proclaimed in modernism? You do not need to believe that Jesus will appear one day. In millions of years it may be. But now that the time has come, it will not happen. This is how these priests preach in the modernist church. And they believe it themselves and they do not turn back and do not flee to the place of refuge of my Immaculate Heart. They feel comfortable. And I, as the mother of priests, want to take her in my arms. I want to save them, but they cannot be saved. Must My pain as Mother and Queen of Priests not be immeasurably great? Do I not have to cry in many places? And yet they do not believe me. But I will continue to weep and will point out again and again my messengers, whom I was allowed to choose through the Heavenly Father, because they are my Mary children, in the direction, in the direction of the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. They will not fall if they take refuge in My motherly heart, love Me and believe that I am the Mother of the Church. As your mother, I am allowed to change many things if the Heavenly Father allows me to. I love you all, My beloved children of Mary, and I do not wish you to continue to go astray.

My beloved sons of priests, again I address you: Turn back! It is high time, because you will experience the greatest dirt that has ever existed in the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Never before has there been such a thing in the priesthood and in the highest ranks as now.

Let me save you! Go to your homes! Hurry to your homes, build a house church there and dedicate yourself to the DVD, after which you can celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V - not after 1962, after Pope John XXIII, who changed many things that could not be changed, because through Pius V this Holy Sacrificial Mass was canonized. You do not believe it, My beloved? Then you will soon have to experience what it means not to celebrate a Holy Mass of Sacrifice, but only to perform the meal communion with the hand communion at the people's altar and to live that which lies in the confusion.

In spite of everything I want to tell you: I love you and I want you back as My children of Mary! Thus I bless you in love, in the greatest love, with all angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Live love and let yourselves be formed and guided by my motherly heart! Amen.


