Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Message from Jesus

Jesus said about marriage, “You must give each other every consideration and put each before the other, even in your thoughts. In this way, others will say, ‘See how much they care for and love one another?’ People will long for this kind of love and I will invite them to follow Me through this longing. Marriages can be healed simply by witnessing this type of love. This type of love is intended for all marriages, yet is very rare in your world. Many have never even witnessed a loving marriage, so I am asking both of you to be My witnesses of love and for love. Never put one another down – ever. Not in your words, or in your body language. Not even in your tone of voice. Yes, My child. I ask a lot of you and I expect much from my little xxxx and xxxx, but I never ask the impossible of My children. Pray for this change and ask My Mother and St. Joseph to help you. Pray every night in your family prayer for this great gift of love. Work to attain this and the graces will be there for you. This will be the most important work I give you, and this will enable you to do everything else I ask. In this way, hearts will change, marriages will be healed and all you encounter will be blessed by Me. This is My plan for all holy marriages. This is my first mission for each and every holy marriage. With more holy, loving marriages, all of society would change. One could say, the reverse, with unholy marriages, all of society would change and this, My daughter is what you see all around you; the result of unholy marriages, broken families, selfishness, greed, and power over others. This is what I am asking My children to change. Be love, be holy, be love to one another. Have holy marriages. Seek My will for your marriage and if more of My children lived in this way, the world would and will be different. Live now as if you were living in heaven. Love now as if you were already living in heaven. You see, My daughter? What around you is important if you were already living in heaven? What My child?”
People, Lord. Loving You, serving You and those around us. Worshipping You, following You. Loving others. That is all, Lord.
“Yes, My little one. You have answered well. That is all. Think of this often when one has a different opinion. Think; ‘Is my opinion important? Would it matter to me in heaven?’ This will be a good gauge for all issues. You can gauge the relevance of every issue, opinion and decision by asking yourself this question. I have given you much to consider and ponder. Read this lesson often and allow it to become a part of you. There is much spiritual food for you for a long time to come just in this lesson alone.”
Thank you, My Jesus. I am very grateful for your beautiful and important lessons.
Prayer for marriages: Jesus I pray for the great gift of love from You for my marriage. Enable me to put
(spouse’s name) first even in my thoughts before my own needs and wants. Please grant us this type of love, intended for all holy marriages.
Source: ➥