Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Message from Jesus

Jesus said, “When the times grow even darker, your spiritual practices will be spiritual habits that you will easily put on when needed without hesitation. This is how I would like you to pray. ‘Jesus, I open my heart as completely as possible to receive the great grace that is Your holy and pure love. I willingly accept Your divine love so that it can flow through my heart to others.’ Practice this on a daily basis, My little child. Add this to your other prayers. Will you do so for your Jesus?
Yes. Certainly, my Lord. I will. This is a beautiful prayer as all of the prayers You have taught Me are. This seems to be a continuation of the prayer you taught me about living as if I lived in heaven so to love and bring Your love to others.
“Yes, My daughter. It is. There is a rhythm, a continuity to the prayers. All focus on doing My will and living the love of My kingdom now and at each moment of Your life. You are to learn to live as if you were living in heaven. This is the type of loving and living I desire for all of My children. It is a foreign concept to the children of today who are so far from God and from My love. I desire My children who walk in My light to be examples of My love. You must focus more in this segment of the journey now, on living love. Examine everything in this light – the light of heaven. If something wouldn’t bother one in heaven, then decide not to allow it to bother you on earth. Let everything be weighed against a heavenly perspective. I realize you have not been to heaven, My little lamb, and yet you will learn how to love and to be love to others in this way. Do you recall the prayer you prayed years ago when you asked your Jesus to help you to love Me and to desire Me so much so that when you died your transition to heaven seemed easy?”
Yes, Jesus. I remember. I still want this to be real for My soul someday.Yes, Jesus. I remember. I still want this to be real for My soul someday.
“I have given you the way for this to become real for you and not just for you but for all who desire this path of holiness. This transition to heaven is just that; a transition for those who love and follow Me and who are My friends. A life of service to the Lord, though most difficult and full of crosses, leads to eternal life. The closer one lives to heaven on this earth, the closer heaven is for that soul. This is the meaning of ‘ Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’ You see, My child? I desire this for all of My children. I desire it to become My childrens’ desire. The Father longs for His children to live this love, this unity which He models in the Blessed Trinity, so much so, He taught you to pray in this way. His loving gift which He desired I pass to the Apostles and all of My disciples, the great gift of the
‘Our Father’ is full of riches too valuable and too deep for the human mind to grasp. It will take enlightenment in heaven to begin to understand. Your Jesus gives you this lesson to share with others, too for their growth in love and unity with the Trinity. I invite you to share the prayers I taught you and this concept of living now as if you lived in heaven and to evaluate decisions and even annoyances against the rule of heaven.”
Source: ➥