Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Adoration Chapel

“My little one, a time of great upheaval is coming. It will be cause for anxiety for many. You and your husband are to remain calm and encourage others to be in prayer when they begin to discuss their concerns. Focus your attention on Me and advise others to do so also. When My children pray, they are open to My direction. Tell others about Adoration and the great graces available here. I will give My children peace and all graces needed for each individual in Adoration. Great graces await all of My children here. I desire all come, regardless of their faith tradition. I will My children to be near Me and I draw all who are willing close to Me in My Sacred Heart. I will provide direction and spiritual healing for the souls who come to pray in My Eucharistic Presence.”
“The upheaval coming will be in another area of your country, but it will be disturbing to all in your country, and even for those in other countries. I use this to draw My children to their knees and back into relationship with Me. Rather than focusing on the specific details of this, please listen to others and then counsel them to pray to Me, their God and your God. This is the purpose and it is also the remedy. I am the answer to all life’s ills and I welcome everyone who approaches Me the Font of Life. Many lives will be lost during this upheaval and a great disturbance will occur as a result. Stay steadfast within the mission I have given you and your family. You may be tempted to stay where you are because your home is where you feel safe and comfortable. It is also where others feel you are needed. You will be of service to your Jesus wherever you are of course, however, I have not changed the journey you are on nor your destination. Recognize these times, My little lamb, for what they are; A precursor to the time of great trials. Yes, My child, these times are on the precipice and they are upon your world and My Church. When these disruptions, this upheaval, occurs say to yourselves, ‘My Jesus said it would be so. We are to remain focused on Him and what He tells us as we prepare to move to our Mother and our Lord’s community.’ All will proceed as I have planned.”
Thank You for the community of saints and that they are so active in our lives. We so need them in this dire time in history and You are very generous to make every help available to us.
Praise You, Jesus. Thank You. “You are welcome, My little one. I also make My own Holy and Pure Mother available to every person on earth. Ask for Her guidance and that of St. Joseph each and every day. Remember to ask for graces from My Mother also. Many children do not ask for these graces and therefore many graces go unused and unrequested. My little lamb, I know of your great love and admiration for St. Padre Pio. He sends you his greetings. Call on him each day now as this time is becoming more dangerous for all of My children. Along with your Guardian Angel, St. Pio has been assigned to protect you. He will counsel and advise you and accompany you when you travel and when you are surrounded by others who would do you harm. I have sent additional angels to protect you and each member of your family for this is needed, to keep you safe so that you can accomplish the mission of My Father and your Father in Heaven. Ask St. Pio to stay with you whenever you feel afraid. Do not fear, but when you begin to recognize the temptation to fear, call on your Guardian Angel and St. Padre Pio for protection, and for graces, and trust and courage. He was most courageous in his zeal for love of Me. Ask him for these graces and also for the gift of discernment. As a priest and a very holy saint, even while he was living on earth, I have given him direct access to My Holy Mother and to My Holy Spirit. Rely on him for many needs at this important time in history. You have asked to be spiritually adopted by him, not just once, but on several occasions, and because of the most important mission given to you and your husband, St. Padre Pio responded immediately. He has been gently guiding you ever since and he will continue to do so. He is perfectly united to My will as all are in Heaven. So you have nothing to be concerned about in following his direction. All will be well as I have assured you. I give you these souls to guide and protect
you. I assure you My Holy priest son is very diligent and protective of his spiritual children. No demon will dare to approach him, and therefore they will keep their distance from you. You do not notice the way they attempt to torment and distract you because he has insured your perimeter is guarded, well fortified, and protected. In this way, your peace is not disturbed and remains intact. Remember this great gift, little one, and take every advantage of it.” Yes, Lord, thank You.
“My daughter, tell My children to prepare their hearts for this coming event. My children, pray the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet for those who will die in the upheaval for many will be before Me in judgment on this day of the upheaval and on several days and weeks to follow. Pray for their souls and their safety as well. Go to confession and make atonement for your sins, My children. Pray, pray, pray for wisdom and an openness to My will. Pray for your brothers and sisters, especially those in the area where this calamity will unfold. Pray also that many will return to Me as a result of these events. Pray, dear children, pray.”
Jesus, this sounds very grave indeed. Please protect all involved, Lord, for those who will lose their lives on earth prepare their hearts, Jesus, so when they die they may be taken directly to Heaven. For those far from you, give them graces for conversion, Lord. Open their hearts so that they will repent and ask for forgiveness. Jesus, for all impacted and those who live through this, in Your Mercy, send lots of your children to assist them, and all impacted by this calamity. Jesus, take care of the little children and provide refuge for their little innocent souls. Help them have loving arms to hold them and grant them healing of any physical or emotional wounds. Jesus, is this to be a natural disaster or one that is caused by evil?
“My little lamb, this will be a natural disaster and yet it is also due to evil for the earth cries out to
God in Heaven for justice. God will not be the cause of this, but He and I are allowing it to bring My beloved children to conversion. That is all you need to know for now, My child. Do not be overly anxious for I, your Jesus, have everything under control. For your part, I ask for prayer and for you and your husband to begin praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy Novena that I requested last week. Please begin this after your family prayer. Begin this tonight, My children. If you prefer to pray it before the Rosary, that is fine also. I am asking that you begin this now, My child, for many prayers are needed for the souls who will experience this great devastation. Pray, My children, pray. That is all for now, My child. You and your husband are weary. Remain with Me for a time here in silence and console My Sacred Heart for it is very heavy with the love and longing for My children who are lost and have no desire to draw near to Me. Your Jesus is very sad for those who refuse My love. My Mother weeps for Her lost children, especially those who have rejected Me. If you could hear Her distress and Her tears, your little imperfect heart would break. You console My Holy Mother and Me by your prayers and by your acts of love, kindness, and mercy on your brothers and sisters. Remain in silence with Me now, My daughter, and just be with Me. Your loving sad Savior. I love you, My children. Come back to Me, Your Lord and Savior, NOW before it is too late. The hour is near and your ‘yes’ is required. That is all.”
After several minutes of silence resting with Jesus and consoling Him, He said the following:
“Many people in the coming days will be filled with anxiety and deeply troubled. Be kind and loving with each person and in every interaction. Each interaction from this day forward is to be considered critical to all you meet. Treat each person with patience, kindness, and understanding. In this way, even those who are deeply troubled but do not express it will be touched by your kindness and will open their hearts to receive more of My graces. Tell My children this as it is very important that all of My children have a heightened awareness of others and be more sensitive and kind in every, and I repeat, every interaction. Ask for My Holy Spirit to help you in this, My Little Children of the Renewal. All is well. Be My love, and be My peace. Be My mercy. I love you. All will be well.” Thank you, Jesus. “You are welcome, My little daughter, My beloved. Go in My peace and with the dignity of a Child of God. I love you and I am with you.”
We could not leave Adoration because we were alone with Jesus so we stayed, and we prayed, and we read some scripture. Jesus led me to Revelation, chapters 10 and 11. Jesus, are we in Revelation 10 now?
“Yes, My child, you are living in the time of Revelation. Much of this also applied to Jerusalem and the early Church, but Revelation 10 begins the warnings and chastisements that initiate the end of this evil period in history. My Mother has already been coming to you and My children in the desert these 33 years, (note: which is Revelation 12) and she will continue to be with you for some time. Do not take this for granted for My Father could withdraw His mercy and kindness and the visits of My Mother at any time. Praise Him for His mercy and kindness.”
Thank you, My Lord and My God. Thank You, Father for Your mercy and kindness. Thank You for Your Holy and Perfect love. Thank You for allowing the Blessed Virgin Mary to come to earth and to teach Your children how to live as You want us to live. I love You.
“And, I love you, My daughter.”
Source: ➥