Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Adoration Chapel

Hello Lord Jesus, ever-present in the Blessed Sacrament. I adore and praise You, my Lord and my God. Thank You that we are here with You today, Jesus. I pray for all those who are dying, Lord, and who will die when the calamity occurs that You told me about last week. Please take many, many souls to Heaven. Lord, please help others to reach out to and assist those who are injured and or survive this event. Thank You for Your presence to each and every person, Lord. We need You and depend upon You for everything. Praise You, Jesus.
“My daughter, you have had a difficult week. I have been and am with you in all of your needs.” Thank You, my Lord and my God. “You are most welcome, My daughter. Thank you for persevering. I put many people in your path this week to carry My graces, and you did well. You welcomed each person with warmth and love. I sent one of My sons to encourage you, and you him.” Thank you, Lord. You are thoughtful, gracious, and generous.
Jesus, have You anything You would like to say to me today? “Yes, My daughter. Continue praying the Divine Mercy Novena for souls, especially those who will perish in the coming calamity. Many will perish and will stand before Me in their judgment on the day of the event. Many will continue to perish afterwards, also. Pray for them, My daughter. Their souls are at stake. Many souls who survive will have lost loved ones. The survivors need your prayers also. Pray that they do not become bitter and resentful for I desire that they draw near to Me. Many blame Me, their God, when anything goes wrong but do not give Me thanks for the blessings I bestow on them. I am not the cause of evil and yet there are those who are quick to blame Me for evil. It is a strange time you live in, My little one. There is spiritual upheaval and tension all around. Remain at peace for you and My other children are not of this world. I bring you My peace. Take My peace to others. The people of this time are lacking in peace and unity. My Children of the Renewal are to give My peace, My love to others. Make eye contact with and smile at all people you meet, even if only in passing, for this world is becoming less and less humane, and when you greet someone with love it affirms and shows value for them as a child of God. I love all My children most tenderly. I long for those who are distant from Me to come close to My Sacred Heart. My child, pray for your brothers and sisters. Ask the saints in
Heaven to send graces for conversion. I hear My children’s prayers, each and every prayer.
The prayers of My children are precious to Me. My daughter, you are experiencing a great number of changes personally; within your workplace, your family, and your circle of friends. Change of this degree in so many facets of your life causes stress and strain. Even good changes impact a person. I am allowing this experience so that you feel the impact and are more empathetic when others experience change. The more you rely on Me and learn to accept changes in the normal course of events, the more you learn detachment and reliance upon Me, your Lord and Savior. This is an important lesson for you to learn and experience is the best teacher. Know that your Jesus is preparing you for the transition to the mission God the Father has for you and your husband. There you will go through much change and that will continue the ‘lesson’ bringing you to the time of greatest transition and change—the time of great trials. You will be much more understanding and patient with those in your care as a result. These children and priests will be experiencing tremendous upheaval in their lives and will need your patience and understanding as they sort through their experiences, the many losses, and the difficulties caused by your government and that of the One World Order. Yes, My child, you heard Me correctly. Your government is corrupt and is working with the One World Order. This is evil’s tool to take over and eventually destroy the world God the Father created. He will not allow it to go this far, though, My child.” Thank you, Lord, that you do not allow evil full reign. Praise God!
“My daughter, I realize you are not feeling well. Your Jesus knows all. You must rest and get well. Allow your body time to heal and recover. I allowed this injury so that you will rely on Me. Do not be concerned if you need to take time away from work. This is an opportunity to rest and pray. All will be well. You were unable to control the circumstances in your life. It is impossible, for you are not God. You know that of course, but I tell you this to allay any guilt feelings you may have about needing the time to take care of your physical body. You are only human. Do not allow anyone to transfer their feelings of inadequacy on you for you can only do what Your Jesus directs and what He allows for you. Each person would do well to focus on their own path to Me and the world would be much more at peace. As it is, you are responsible for your work with Me, your family, your vocation, and your work and that is to be done to the best of your ability within what you can control. There is very little you can control, but for that which you can, your own actions, your words, your behavior, that is your area of responsibility. Other than that, leave all with Me. I make it sound simple, and yet you would say it isn’t easy. Am I correct?” Yes, Lord, as always. “My daughter, it isn’t easy unless, of course, it is done as I
say. If one focuses on the area within one’s sphere of control, and all the rest is entrusted to Me, things become very simple. You are learning this with each lesson I provide. Continue to trust in what I say and follow Me. All will be well. Trust is critical, My daughter. Trust in Me, Your Jesus. I will work everything out for the good of your soul.”
“Thank you for offering your suffering to Me. I am pleased that you are taking this opportunity to save souls, My child. The smallest act of suffering offered lovingly to Me will assist souls. Do this often for there are many in need of such a gift. I desire all of My followers to offer every action, sacrifice, and suffering to Me for the benefit of souls who are far from Me. Tell others that I, Your Jesus, request this at this crucial time in history.” Yes, Lord, thank You.
“Many souls are at stake. My little lamb, once again I stress to you the devastating event that will occur in your country. I understand that you do not need to be reminded of this. I tell you again, though, in order to stress the importance of your sacrifices and prayers. I also tell you to prepare you, for the impact of this will be far and wide. Pray dear children. Pray for your brothers and sisters.” Lord, I am sorry for the many people who do not know or love You, Jesus. You are worthy of love, praise, and adoration. We adore You Lord, and we praise You.
Thank You for all You have done and are doing for us, Your poor children. You are all good and deserving of all our love. “My child, I accept your praises and I receive them into My Sacred Heart. I thank you for your love, My daughter. My little lamb, Your Jesus understands everything. I love you and I thank you for the gift of your presence to Me. You are My little friend and I am yours. I know of each and every struggle you face. We face them together.” Thank you, Lord. “It is when prayer and adoration is a struggle that it means so much more for Me. You made an even greater sacrifice to be here with Me though you really wanted to lie down and rest. Had you done so, I would have understood, since I know your pain and your suffering. You came in spite of this and offered all to Me, Your Jesus. This is pleasing and benefits many souls, My child. Your Jesus thanks you most sincerely.” Jesus, I would not want to be anyplace else, I can rest later. Thank you that You give suffering meaning and a purpose. Praise You for Your goodness, Lord. I praise You for Your mercy. I love You, Lord.
“My daughter, you are facing many temptations now. Call upon St. Padre Pio to assist you. The evil one wants to torment you. Do not believe him. Do not even listen to the thoughts and fears he places within you for he is the author of lies. I am truth. I am love. I am peace. I am mercy. I love and care tenderly for My children and for you, My little lamb. I will be with you and will be very close to you during this week. I urge you to rest as much as possible. The following week will be filled with much activity and I would like you to be well rested this week.“ Okay, Lord Help me to rest and make a way for me to do so in spite of my work and all that needs to be done. “There is no work for Me this week, little one, other than your daily prayers, family rosary, and Divine Mercy Chaplet. I am giving you much needed rest and a break from the workload entrusted to you. Use this time well to withdraw, to rest, and to pray. I give you My permission and even direct you to do so. This is important and needed to prepare you for additional work to come. I love you and I direct your steps, My little lamb. Trust in Me. I would like your spouse to rest also. There will be time to work on the house next week. This is a week for rest, in as much as is possible. I, Your Jesus, will shelter you both and provide a way. Work when you must at your jobs, care for your family and for your garden, etc., and then rest. Enjoy one another’s company. Refocus your life this week on your family and withdraw from all other activity. This is a time that is needed, and I allow it, and request it of you. I see your weariness and thank you for your hard work serving Me. There is much more work needed which you cannot do, without this week of rest. I know this is difficult, but trust in Me that I know what is good for you.” Yes, Jesus. Thank you for caring about our health and our physical needs. We love you. “I love you, My daughter. I love My son, your husband also, and all of your family. All will be well. Do not fear next week for I, Your Jesus, am with you. I am your barometer now, and I am able to act as a gauge for your need to rest. You are serving Me well, My dears. You are human though, and need time to rest as all humans do. I did also, when I walked your earth. You do not know your limits and I will help you with this.” Thank you, Jesus. I love You. “Enjoy one another this week and focus on your little family. This is time I am allowing and providing for you.” Again, I thank You, Jesus.
“My little lamb, this time of preparation has been difficult. It has taken its toll on you and yet this is only a small foreshadowing of what it will be later. Rest now and renew your strength. Your body needs more than one week, such is your sleep deprivation , but there is no time for more than one week’s break. You and your family have much work to do so again, I stress to you to rest this week whenever possible. You need this as does your husband. Spend time together at home in the shelter of My love and protection. Later you will remember these quiet evenings in your home very fondly. You will long for these days, and they will be a happy memory. The time of great trials will be soon upon you and the strength you draw from these days will assist all of you to get through. Do not fear. Trust is all that is needed. I love you. I am counting on you. I need you and all of My children. I am grateful for your love and service. Go now in My peace. This need not be a lengthy message, My children. We have much work to do but for today, this is all. Go in My mercy and with My love. I bless you.” Thank you, My Jesus We are grateful to You for Your direction, Your love, and Your mercy.
Source: ➥