Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Friday, January 10, 2014
Come Holy Trinity

This is you Most Beloved Mother, Mary. My son, I love you dearly. I know you are tired of all the waiting, but it has to be this way to save more souls. I am with you at all times, My son and all My children that want Me to be with them. Keep doing what you are doing just rest this winter as much as you can, and keep teaching God’s children the truth and finish repairing the little things that come along that need done yet. Your loving Mother Mary. My Son wants to speak.
My son I know you are feeling worn down like all My children who are trying to listen. Just call on your God for extra grace when you feel down. Satan is very vicious now, because he knows he is losing everything he has. He will become even more vicious but My grace is sufficient. Love Jesus.