Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Come Holy Trinity

My love My beautiful one, I love you and all My children dearly. Thanks for writing the last two messages when you did not feel like it. My Son told you years ago that feelings and emotions do not mean anything. Obedience is what matters. I am telling you for the sake of all who are reading these messages. In these times we are in, do not expect to feel good or have a lot of good emotions at all times. In the days ahead there will be a lot of suffering and a lot of temptations and harassment from satan. Focus your mind on things from above and on being obedient to the will of My Father in Heaven. This is the only way you will be able to cope with a lot of the things that are about to happen in America. Call out to Me your Mother or to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You will not find strength in anything of earth except what comes straight from Heaven. Keep your mind focused on Heaven and the truths of Heaven. Live the 10 Commandments and receive the sacraments as often as possible. Try to get to confession as much as often as possible and to Mass on Sunday and any other day you can. Your strength will come from the sacraments instituted by God. And call on your guardian angels at all times. Also, unite with St. Michael and all the angels and saints in Heaven. Call on all of them to help you when you need help. It will be all of Heaven that gets you through the great tribulation. This is a job you have to unite with Heaven to come out of this. Heaven is your strength not evil from earth. Stay united with good holy people you can trust and pray for all those who are living in deep sin. We want to save everyone on earth but everyone has to ask for help and admit their sinfulness so we in Heaven can pass graces to them. Please read Psalm 46 and Psalm 51 with outstretched hands open to God's blessing. This is all for now. Love Mother Mary through the heart of the Most Holy Trinity. This is another message to help all our children. Love from all of Heaven.