Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Come Holy Trinity

My most beloved son, this is your Sweet Jesus—Jesus, who you love so much, with My Mother, Mary. We are giving you a day of rest. “Thank you, Jesus, I needed it.” My son the suffering was needed for all the sins and turmoil going on in your world. Satan has been having a field day trying to destroy your relationship with Russia through the most sinful news media. This should be a time for your countries to make peace, and your media is trying to tear apart all that should be accomplished during these times.
Your news media is controlled by satan himself, through just a few people. All that comes from your news is controlled or twisted from the truth of America or Russia. There job is to stir things up between the two countries. If the people working in it do not say just the right thing the way they are told, they are fired. It is just the same in all of your military. They all are being controlled by your president and the one world people. Thanks to good leaders in your military, your country is still standing and not at war. Many good men have lost their jobs and all their job’s savings for the good of your country . Please pray for them very much for many of them have already been killed in mysterious ways and many more are at risk yet who are speaking up and telling the truth. You have many good men giving up their lives in your country for telling the truth, and the whole truth about what your government has done to the people the last several years. Your people have not been told the truth about anything except through ways that only a few would understand. Satan has told lie after lie after lie to cover up the truth in your country. Now people are starting to stand up for the truth even knowing they will be killed. The truth is coming out and satan will become more vicious until he will try to destroy your whole country. But remember, I am God, and I AM in control. I, God, may let you lose some battles for the sake of your souls, but the final battle is Mine, your God’s. You know what the final outcome will be. Stay with your God and end up in Heaven, or follow the easy way now and end up in hell forever. Your Loving Trinity.