Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, with Your words only

This is your Jesus My dearly beloved son, I love you and all Our children from Heaven dearly. Please continue to keep doing what you and your friends are doing. I know all of you are worn out after this winter. It is not the winter that is wearing you out, but the attacks of satan for all you are doing to save souls. This was a good winter for saving souls because when people are hurting and have more time to think, they begin to look at their lives and wonder what they are doing. They begin to see that what they are doing is only worldly and they have nothing to fall back on when the going gets tough. It will continue to be this way until My children start to pray and give thanks for all they have been given. My children keep wanting more and more each day and they think it will make them happy. But, it only becomes more baggage that they have to carry. Children start giving away all the worldly baggage that you do not need and start helping the poor. Then confess all the spiritual baggage to your God and start living in the spirit. The only reason you keep running from one high to another in worldly things, or satan things to be more correct, is because you get tired of one thing and then go to something more sinful. Do you really think that abortion or same sex marriage is something to make you free? It only takes you deeper into slavery. Then you see what else you can get into that is more sinful. There is no peace in going against the Ten Commandments or the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church. It only brings you more pain in your lives. The only reason you do this and try to take others with you, is because you know in your heart that you are going the wrong way and you will do anything to keep from admitting what you know in your heart is wrong. Stop now and turn around and ask God’s forgiveness and do not look back.
The Warning that is talked about in Revelations is about to strike the whole world and there will be only one way out, and that will be to admit what you already know in your heart. The Warning will show the whole truth, and nothing but the truth of God, which is the Ten Commandments and the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church which you already know in your heart because your God put them in you before you were born and still within God’s heart. We all were made at the beginning of time when God made everything and God chose a job for each of us and put us on the earth at the time that we were needed there, in the mother’s womb that He chose for us, with the talents we needed to make the world a better place to live. Any of this that you are denying is from satan and it is a lie from satan to steal you from Heaven and take you to hell for all eternity. Please listen now and change because when the Warning comes you will have to make a choice for God in Heaven or satan or hell. My children it will be much easier to change now than later for the longer you go, the harder it will be to change. You must get off of the fence now and get off on the right side of the fence as I your God beg you, or fall off on the left side with satan. The good thief on my right on the cross looked at Me and asked forgiveness and said he was a sinner and is now in Heaven with me. The other thief would not admit he was a s sinner and I could not forgive him because of his free will and he is now in hell. The choice is yours, My children, but I will not hold you slaves. It has to be your choice. You choose where you go, not I your God. I want all of you to go to Heaven but you have to say “yes” to Jesus. I want you, not satan or hell. Your loving Jesus from heaven with all your friends. Please choose Heaven. Love from all of Heaven, your Jesus. Come Holy Trinity,
My beloved son, I want you to continue the message, this is your Sweet Jesus. My dear children satan has convinced you that if you can get a lot of other people on your side, you can do anything you want to do and it is okay. Your Jesus was also tempted on earth as satan tried to convince Me that he would give Me the whole kingdom if I would jump off the mountain even though I was God. And I said be gone satan, and he left. Satan has taken so many of My beloved children into such deep sin that they do not even think they are sinning. The next step he will lead you to the highest mountain and he will tell you to follow him and he will walk off the side of the mountain. Are you going to say that everyone’s doing it? So you let him walk you straight to the pit of hell right off the mountain. This is how sick many of My children are in this age. It is just like before Noah and the flood. They think they are god with all the technology they have. They think they can do anything they want and still be saved. My children there is a hell, there is a purgatory, and there is a Heaven. Please make the right choice for it is for all eternity, not just a few years as you live here on earth. Love, love, and more love, Jesus.