Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family and St. Michael to protect God’s words to be written according to God’s Holy Will

(Things that will happen that will warn you to get ready to go to the refuge)
My beloved son this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. As you know the time is here and satan has all his plans ready to take the USA and much of the world down and kill as many of My children as possible. He will accomplish some things, but many I will block but he will be given permission to turn the USA upside down. This is not the will of God, but the will of the people of the United States for all their sins. The people in the majority have now sold their souls to satan and that gives permission to satan from God to chastise My children. His purpose is to kill them when in a state of mortal sin and take them to hell for all eternity. Your God’s purpose is to let them be chastised and feel the suffering and how good they have had it next to the world as a whole. Then they can see how good their God has been to them and I will send extra grace for them to come back to their real home—the love of their Mother and Father from Heaven.
I have told My children many times that when more people would be lost than saved, I your God would act. That time has come and passed. That is why you will see major disasters and then the Warning to show you where you stand in God’s eyes. Then you will have a short time to get to Confession and repent of your sins if Catholic. If Christian come to Me with your heart, mind, and soul and repent and ask forgiveness. Then there will be a short time before the antichrist starts killing all Christians and marking them with the mark of the beast and putting the chip in their body. The chip will brainwash you to do anything satan says. Do not take the chip for any reason. They will promise you anything you want to take the chip, but then he will make a slave out of you and force you to do slave labor or kill you if are not good enough to do anything that he wants you to do. Do not disbelieve any of these words because they are straight from God the Father through Me, Jesus, His Son. My son, this is enough for now. This is all My children can digest at one time. Love, Jesus, to all His children. Love from all of Heaven. Amen.