Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family and St. Michael as guard over all God’s words

My most beloved son, this is God the Father of Heaven and earth. I want to talk to you about some of the things I told you yesterday. My son, do you remember when I had you build the God the Father Baby Memorial for all My children on earth? The baby memorial is not only for My children on earth now but it represents all My children that ever were or ever will be on the face of the earth from the beginning to the end of time. I also ask all My remnant faithful to have spiritual baptisms for all My aborted and miscarried babies. I also ask all who read this to spiritually baptize their babies who they lost and name them so they will have a closure on their life. All My children need a spiritual closure on their life so they can get to Heaven. I have had many of My spiritual remnant children putting holy water North, East, South, and West and asking them to baptize their babies so they can go to Heaven. All of My Holy Innocents are crying out for justice and this is one way you can help.
I am also asking My remnant children to have a Bishop to do a spiritual Confirmation for all the Holy Innocents so they can become soldiers of Christ and help you more on earth and reach a higher place in Heaven. I your God have told you that you must be baptized to be saved. My little babies also need to be baptized to be saved. Any Christian can do a spiritual baptism on an aborted or miscarried baby, but it has to come from earth before My child can reach the fullness of Heaven. When My little babies die they do not reach the fullness of Heaven because they were never given free will on earth. So some of My remnant children who I speak with from Heaven have to make the choice for them because they are in a good place, but not like Heaven.
The church taught about limbo when you were born My son, but they do not talk about it anymore and if it were not for My special children that I speak to all through the centuries, these children would not have been able to move up to Heaven as time goes on. Heaven is just like earth and the longer you are there, the higher you can move to different levels. It is just like moving from grade school to high school to college to your vocation and on and on.
This is from the God the Father from Heaven and earth. Please come to your loving Father and Mother because We want to talk to all Our children personally and give them all that they need to be happy. Love, Father. Please speak to Me often. I miss all My children who do not talk to Me just like your physical dad. I am just like My Son because I made him in My image and likeness.
And please read the book, The Father Speaks to His Children, given to one of My beloved children.
(Copies free of charge may be obtained from the International or National Centers, 816-942-9783)