Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

On this day St. Francis appeared to me and said:
Kneel down and pray now asking the Lord for these graces and make the turn in this place blessed by His presence, where he wanted my body to be.
I did as he asked me and on my knees I prayed turning around in front of his tomb in Assisi.I asked for his intercession for some particular intentions and he told me:
Fear nothing. I too had my fears and longings, when the Lord called me to accomplish his work. I placed everything in his hands and in his heart and threw myself confidently into his arms.
Always recognize your nothingness, because God alone is great and worthy of all honor and glory. We are only his worthless servants who by his grace and mercy have been called to serve him to speak of his great love and proclaim his wonders.
Always be humble, because God always elevates those who are the smallest and most insignificant in the eyes of men, but who are rich in the holiest graces and know his mysteries. And strike down the proud and powerful who are empty and poorer than the poor of this earth, because worse than material poverty is spiritual poverty, because the humble and simple poor will always have the comfort and help of the Lord, but the poor in spirit and in the things of heaven will be those to whom the Lord has said that even what they have they will lose and it will be given to another who has more, because they are poor in works of love and have not made their gifts and talents fruitful.
I am always at your side to help you.
I thanked St. Francis for his protection and intercession. And he blessed me.