Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, December 3, 2007
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows (Passionist saint)
Son of the Lord, I come to convey to you by the will of the Lord and the Virgin this message. The Lord asks of you sacrifices of love for the salvation of many souls. I come to tell you that you must prepare your soul and your spirit so that you may overcome the days of trial with serenity and peace. May the cross be your shield of defense against all evils. With the cross and on the cross you will win so many battles. Meditate on the passion of the Lord from which come so many graces for you and for so many young people. Teach this to the young people. If young people want to overcome the passions of the world, the flesh, and the devil, they must meditate on the passion of the Lord and the most holy sufferings of His beloved Mother. Before the passion of the Lord and the pains and tears of the Mother of God, the devil loses all power and is disarmed, becoming impotent. Thus many souls are freed from his clutches and are saved. You must, first of all, know how to endure everything with love and for love for the salvation of the young girls. Be the example for the young people of the group of which I have been chosen to be their intercessor and protector. I will pray a lot before the Lord, the Virgin and Saint Joseph for you and your families. As long as there are people who love and accept their cross there is hope and the grace of salvation for many souls. The passion of Jesus heals, purifies and frees your souls from all imperfection and evil. I bless you and tell you to prepare yourself with faith, prayer and love for the sufferings that you will have to go through. Take heart. Do not be discouraged. One day you will see how important and valuable have been your sacrifices and all that you have done for the Lord, when you will see the great glory that he has reserved for you in Heaven, in his kingdom of love.