Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, May 13, 2013
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Tavernola, BG, Italy - Feast of Our Lady of Fatima

Today the Blessed Virgin appeared accompanied. On her right side were Francisco and Jacinta. On her left side was Sister Lucy, dressed as a Carmelite, and behind the Virgin were St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael. The Blessed Virgin gave me the following message this night:
Peace be with you!
My children, I, your Heavenly Mother, am here before you to receive your prayers and to present your requests before my Son Jesus.
I ask you: live your conversion daily. This is the time to change the course of your lives, to cleanse your hearts, and to ask forgiveness for your sins, so that God's mercy may embrace you.
I have asked you for Rosary prayers at Fatima and at Ghiaie di Bonate, but my children still do not pray as they should, they do not pray as I have asked them to in my apparitions of the past nor in the ones that I do now.
Don't you want to be close to the Heart of my Son Jesus? Do you not wish to receive God's blessings? Open your hearts. Do not be children of hardened hearts. Many times I speak to you, but you do not listen. Many times I ask you to pray and to adore my Son Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and you don't have time for God and for me, who are waiting for you in the Church.
Take my words into your hearts. Give your all for the salvation of your brothers. Let the parents give a good example to their children and teach them to draw closer to God and to my Maternal Heart. Many times I have appeared in their homes and granted them many graces. Today I am asking you, at least, to make an effort and to be grateful to the Lord who has allowed me to come among you to bless you and to grant you his love.
Jesus is sad about the situation in the world. Many of my children are heading towards their own self-destruction and others are deaf not listening to the calls from heaven. Help your brothers by praying for them. Intercede! Satan is leading many souls to live far from God. With your prayers bring back to the Heart of Jesus all those who have strayed. I count on your prayers and your dedication, because I know that you can help your Heavenly Mother, but I beg you: try, try, try, because everything can be changed! Pray for the Church. Pray for the Pope and for all consecrated people. The devil's fury will soon manifest itself in the world against the Church of my Son Jesus to the point that you will see many priests abandon the service of God and many faithful will no longer know what to do and will lose their faith.
Hard times are coming, but I tell you: pray the rosary to overcome the devil and every evil. Even if all seems lost, with the rosary you will be able to destroy the devil, so pray it as a family. I bless you and give you the peace of God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Our Lady made me realize that many are betraying their faith, because they don't pray, they don't make even a little effort to be close to God, because the devil manages to distance the hearts of these people easily from God's grace and his holy way, making them sin and abandon everything, because they lack the gift of fortitude. The Virgin invited us to pray to the Holy Spirit asking for his seven gifts, especially the gift of fortitude that helps us to remain faithful to the Lord even in the hardest and most difficult trial. Many are afraid of the cross and persecution and leave God aside when trials come, but God shows us how weak we are and how much we need prayer and conversion. God asks us for faithfulness and perseverance. A person who is weak in faith, who is afraid of everything, cannot deserve heaven. Cowards will not inherit the kingdom of heaven.