Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Vigolo, BG, Italy

Today we were at the Vigolo Shrine for adoration and the recitation of the rosary. When Jesus was exposed in the Blessed Sacrament, I heard his voice that said to me,
You desire peace, but you do not often live it in your homes and with your brothers. You seek my forgiveness, but you have not yet learned to forgive. Why don't you love each other and be united as I have asked you to be?
The world is destroying itself for lack of love and peace. Many are dying and are without life, because they do not come to me, the true life that heals and saves.
Come, come, let me heal you and save you from the darkness that surrounds you and that is all around you. Be mine with your heart, with your soul, and with your life. I love you and give you my peace!
After the rosary and adoration, we went to the usual place where we always say the final prayers with those present, and Jesus manifested himself by again transmitting the following words:
My peace be with you!
Love, love, love to belong to my kingdom of love. Even if they persecute you and the world hates you, I am with you.
Blessed are all those who are persecuted for my name's sake. Fear nothing! Those who are united with me should fear nothing.
My strong arm sustains them and defends them against every evil. Pray, have faith, but I say to all: woe to those who use their mouth and their tongue to denigrate, criticize and destroy everything that I and my Mother have accomplished in the hearts and souls of many who have found my grace through the messages we have communicated all these years: they will have to give account before me for every damage done to the souls who have lost faith and who have strayed from the path I had prepared for them.
It is not you who choose the path to follow, but I who show you the way and sanctify you. Each soul has a mission to accomplish, so do not be a stumbling block in the life and path of conversion of your brothers, because I will charge you for all the evil you have done.
Convert yourselves! Convert yourselves! Convert! I have been calling you to conversion for a long time. It is time for you to wake up and change your hearts, now, because time is running out. I bless you and give you my love: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!