Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, November 27, 1995
Message of Our Lady

If you want to be, little children, true sons of mine, be humble and stop practicing evil. Do not give Satan the pleasure of seeing you fall into pride, intrigue and falsehood.
Keep away the spirit of cursing, and you will live as true eyes and servants of GOD, or otherwise, the Mercy of GOD will be closed to you.
I am the Blessed Virgin, the Mother of GOD and yours!
I want you, dear children, to continue praying the Rosary always! I want you, with the Rosary, to be faithful to GOD, to be faithful to my Heart, to everything I ask!
Each day that passes, I am closer, I am more attentive and more inclined to your sufferings. So, dear children, come here and adore my Son Jesus in the Eucharist with all your heart!
Repent of your sins; ask for forgiveness! Call to the Eucharistic Jesus to heal them, touch them, free them, open them. Thus, dear children, you will feel in your heart My Mother Hand touching, blessing and enlightening everyone in this difficult path, but. that ends in the FATHER.
Pray the Rosary every day, but. not in any way! May it be conversion in your lives!
Thank you for the LOVE you have for Me. I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".