Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, December 2, 1995
Message of Our Lady

I come, to invite you again! I am, dear children, with my Immaculate Heart full of great Graces to you all!
My children, how many of you walk in sin, walk in evil, walk in hardness of heart, deaf, even in the face of the most heartfelt tears that I shed.
You, dear children, have a heart that is harder than stones! I, with all ease, with only one My Tear can move the stones, but. your hearts, children, are not moved by My Motherly Pain, seeing so many of My countless children who fall into hell like rain every day.
Dear children, in the world, the lack of Faith, the lack of LOVE, dear children, the lack of Pity, the lack of Compassion is spreading more and more. How can we not cry in front of thousands of my poor little children who are brutally murdered in their mothers' wombs, with no one to defend them?
How can we not cry when we see such brutality from these mothers who, after committing the murder, still look at that murdered body, without a tear of regret, without a gesture of pity towards it?
Dear children, My Pain is so great, that I have no words to say how great My Pain is.
My Mother's Heart is very wounded and I no longer know, dear children, what else to do for your salvation. I only have, children, to offer you my Sorrowful and Pierced Heart.
Come to my Immaculate Heart, dear children! The boat that GOD gives you to keep you saved and in peace: - My Immaculate Heart. Everyone who surrenders to my Immaculate Heart, dear children, will have Salvation and Peace!
Satan is strong, and he still acts in the world in a way never seen before; but in the end he will TRIUMPHOP my Immaculate Heart, and with me, the just TRIUMPHOP!
Soon, children, you will see sin disappear from the earth, and my Immaculate Heart living with you!
O my children, if you want to make me very happy, live by always loving my Immaculate Heart, and thus, living my Messages, you will be able to say to everyone: - How much I love the Immaculate Heart of Mary!
My Heart needs children so much to help Me, to comfort Me, to carry My Messages, to speak, to warn, to call all My children, especially the prostitutes, the drug addicts, the marginalized, the excluded, do not forget anyone! Bring everyone into my Immaculate Heart!
Do not give way in your hearts to discouragement, to despair! That is why I always speak of my Immaculate Heart to you, but. you do not pay attention to my Messages, and that is why in times of difficulty, you are easily troubled and despairing for nothing.
Pay attention to what I have always said to you and say to you again, children: - My Heart is the LIGHT that I give to you, and the Path that will lead you to GOD!
When there is no way out left in your lives, dear children, here is my Immaculate Heart, the Only Way out, the Only Footpath, the Only Bridge that will lead you to GOD!!!
Come to Me!!! To open the doors of My Heart, just bend your knees and pray the Rosary! Through the Rosary, the Rosary, I, children, will pour the LIGHT of GOD upon you copiously. Just be humble and give yourselves to Me!
Pray this night, offer this vigil to Jesus in the Eucharist, because HE is so GOOD for you! You lack nothing!
Why are you sad? Open your hearts to Peace! Open your heart to joy, to LOVE! My children, it is LOVE that saves! It is the LOVE that brings the presence of GOD to your life! SEE GOD and LOVE will stay with you!
Thank you for your LOVE for Me! I bless you all in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit. (pause) Stay in the Peace of the Lord".