Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, May 25, 1996
Message of Our Lady

Dear children! (pause) My Heart wishes everyone, the Peace that comes from the Holy Spirit.
GOD sends the Holy Spirit on earth, so that HE may make LOVE and Peace reborn again in your hearts.
I was with the Apostles when the Holy Spirit first came, and now it is My Mother Mission to be with My children, to teach them to ask for the Holy Spirit, to help them receive the Holy Spirit, and to fortify them in the witness of the Holy Spirit.
I am Our Lady of Pentecost!
I am the Mother who came to earth, the Mother of Peace, to bring each one of you the fire of the Holy Spirit, here, where I showed my Heart, and opened it, to reveal all my LOVE, in my Messages.
I lit a burning fire here, which I wish to spread in each heart. For this, My children, pray the Rosary, take the cenacle with the prayer of the Rosary and My Messages, everywhere you go, because where I am, there is the Holy Spirit!
He always seeks Me, because I am an efflorter.
Just as the birds search for a nest, so dear and desired, the Holy Spirit searches for Me and seeks Me where I am, because My Heart is the Temple, Nest, and LIVING Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit!
Where the cenacles with the Rosary of Peace, My Messages, and the Gospel are welcomed, there will be the Grace of the Holy Spirit, cooperating with Me and My children.
Pray! Many of you are only content to come, but I would like many of you to do cenacles, in all homes.
Today I want to ask you for a greater love of the Holy Spirit through the Rosary. Yes, my children, ask for the Holy Spirit through me!
The Holy Spirit could have taken longer to descend upon the Apostles, but when He saw Me, the Mother of Jesus, the flower and splendor of the Most Holy Trinity, with them, He came, with all His strength, with all His divine power!
In those who are with Me, the Holy Spirit pours out much more. Therefore, children, speak less, pray more, and you will see that the fire of the Holy Spirit will be in you, even greater than you can desire and hope.
I bless you in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit.
I leave my peace!
Stay in the Peace of the Lord".