Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, June 7, 1996
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

My dear children, I am Mary, the Virgin of the Rosary of Peace. I am, my children, the LOVE of GOD, (pause) that pours out on earth.
Just as an open flower offers many petals to those who contemplate it and seek it, so too, My children, I AM the flower of the HEART of the Most Holy Trinity, who opens the petals of Grace to all My children.
I am Mary, Mother and Queen of the new millennium, which will begin from the year two thousand.
Do not think, children, that the world will end in the year 2000 in any way! The year 2000 belongs to my Immaculate Heart! After it will be the millennium marked by the Grace of GOD, by the Victory of the Lord, this Victory contained, proclaimed, in the Sacred Scriptures, in the Apocalypse.
In these times, I, the Woman Dressed in the Sun, fight the battle against the dragon, the same one, which I have allowed you today, to see who he is. and how much greater my POWER, and the POWER of my Lord, is.
My Heart Will Triumph!
Those who say that I say the end of the world is near, are mistaken, for I do not know what this DAY is. It is near, yes, the end of sin! The world will no longer know what it is to offend my Lord.
A seed that is sown, worked and cultivated with love, later becomes a big leafy tree with wonderful fruits. Every heart that has come here to meet me is a seed that I plant in the world, that I want to work, cultivate, make grow in the LOVE of GOD, in faithfulness to the Holy Church, and to my Pope John Paul II, who later will be the leafy tree of my Triumph, showing shoots of holiness in every family, in the whole Church.
The new Millennium belongs to Me, because it will be marked by My complete Victory, with the total establishment of My Kingdom and the Kingdom of the Heart of Jesus, on the face of the earth.(pause)
Yes, children, it is written in the Apocalypse that: - the Son who is born of the Woman clothed with the Sun, will be THE ONE who will rule all nations with the rod of iron. You can read in Revelation, chapter 12.
Yes, My children, after this battle I am fighting with the enemy, after I prepare the way for My Son Jesus, I will stoop down (pause) to HIM grow, and YOUR VICTORY will be complete! All knees will bend, before YOUR POWER.
He is My Son, the Child who will rule all nations with the rod of iron, with the POWER of the Most High, for He is the Son of the Lord.
I have told you in these times to convert, to repent of the rottenness that corrodes your lives!
Know, children, that if you do not want to be rejected, do not reject the Messages.(pause)
If you don't want to be forgotten! don't forget the Messages.(pause)
If you don't want to be despised later, don't despise My Messages.
If it wasn't important,(pause) if it wasn't serious, I wouldn't leave Heaven to be here.
I am Mother, Mother of the Church, Mother of all those who are wounded, downcast(pause) and troubled.
The new millennium belongs to Me, because I will make the SUN OF JUSTICE shine in it!
The new millennium belongs to Me, because My Pope John Paul II consecrated the nations of the world to Me, to My Heart, and I will defend them! I will keep them! They will be saved by Me! and I of them, will be the Ternal Mother.
The new millennium belongs to Me, because all My children will know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH will set them free! All will be purified in the OPENING FIRE of the Holy Spirit, which will descend at the Second World Pentecost, to restore, purify(pause) and save My Church, of which I am Mother and Queen.
The new millennium belongs to Me, because in it the Gift of Peace will be poured out. After so many centuries and years of continuous wars and conflicts on earth, you will have Peace (pause)
The new millennium belongs to Me, because My Church, after so many difficulties that passed for the Gospel to be proclaimed; so many sufferings that the Popes, that My favorite children passed through, not allowing the greatest horrors to happen in the world; after all this suffering, My Church (pause) will be consoled.
She is the stone, and against her the gates of hell, not even the son of perdition, the antichrist, will have power.
The greater the pride of Satan, the greater will be his destruction, because Jesus and I, with OUR FEETS, will crush to the last flame, the power of hell.
Yes, children, OUR Hearts (pause) will win!
GOD (pause) is the Good Shepherd, who keeps YOUR sheep. So children, as every shepherd (pause) calls his sheep by the bugle, I am like the Lord's Horn Mother, who comes to call the sheep through the Messages, Apparitions and Tears all over the world. call them, to the ONLY Shepherd, who is Jesus.
Everyone who in his heart does not profess Jesus, (pause) does not know GOD, (pause) and does not come from GOD. Therefore, children, today welcome Jesus into your heart! Let My Son come in, let Him make his home!
I bless all who have come here, all those who have made sacrifices, embracing even difficulties to try to convert, responding to my invitation.
Go, and take this Message to all My children: - I am the Mother of the new millennium! I am the Mother who will bring the FIRE of Pentecost, the Peace that will reign in the world, in the hearts, in the Church (pause) and also in their homes.
I am the Mother of Hope! I am the Door of Heaven always open! I am (pause) the call; I am the balm, which GOD sends into the world.
Come, children, give me your lives, your hearts, and I will keep them in My Hands, and you in GOD will have everything.
I bless you all, I leave my peace. in the name of the Father. the Son. and the Holy Spirit".
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Generation!(pause) My Children!(pause) I, the Lamb of GOD, bless the WORDS of My MOTHER. I bless all hearts, who are sorry for their sins, come to console my MOTHER, and through her, come to my heart.
I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End!
I AM yesterday, today, and tomorrow!
I AM the Rising Sun!
I AM the Justice!
I AM the Peace!
I AM the Charity!
I AM Meekness and Humility of Heart!(pause)
I, with my MOTHER, want to tell you today that you must, (pause) again, renew your conversion! Every day you have to convert!
He who sees the danger, the abyss in front of him, and yet does not turn away, to this I will leave; but he who by innocence did not perceive it, to this I will rise. (pause)
Beware of sin against the Holy Spirit! All those who renounce My Holy Church, My Sacrament of the Eucharist, confession, and other Lights of My Heart that I left in the world, this sin against the Holy Spirit (pause) will hardly be forgiven! He who abandons the Sacraments, (pause) will have abandoned Myself, the Lord your GOD.
I (pause) ask you to stand as pillars around My Church, close to My Servant, the splendor of My Heart, who is Pope John Paul II.
You, if you want to reach Heaven, you must first reach the table of my Eucharist! Whoever does not have my Body and my Blood on earth will not have my DIVINITY and Glory in Heaven.
Whoever despises My WORDS in the Gospel will one day be despised by the same WORDS (pause) in whose heart they never dwelt.
I, the Holy Lamb, come to tell you that the enemy (pause) tries to increase his network of seduction. He sows in this net, the vice of carnal pleasures, and what sadness My Heart has, seeing that many slide into the nets of My enemy, attracted (pause) by a simple piece of filth that offers, (pause) by a simple piece of unclean sex that offers, (pause) by a simple piece of power, (pause) of pride, (pause) and material goods that offers, (pause) despising My Church, which is poor and pilgrim in this world, but which is Mine! and whose Queen is My MOTHER.
My Church(pause) is the Light of the world! Just as the sun has its rays, which carry its light, its warmth and its brightness to illuminate the world, so too, I AM the SUN, and My Church is the rays of this SUN, which is My Heart in the world.
I give you (pause) My call: pray for the Church, pray for priests! My Church and my Bishop, (who is) my Pope, and my Priests, have never suffered so much as now. They all need the Sacred Veil of my Mother, protecting them... Pray for them! (pause)
There is nothing that saddens My Heart more than to see that, even after so many trials of LOVE, many live discrediting My Resurrection, My Presence, My DIVINITY.
This is how My executioners acted: - even when they had already killed Me on the Cross, even (pause) with the terror of nature unleashing itself, even after those who were near the Cross exclaimed that I was truly the Son of GOD, even so they pierced Me with the sword, to see if I was already dead. His hatred was insatiable, it was unbearable.
So many today, after so many trials of LOVE, still pierce my Heart with disbelief, with blasphemies, with Communions made in sin, with abandoned Masses, with my rejected MOTHER.
O generation, if you saw the flash of the FATHER's LOVE, where I LIVE and KINGDOM, face to face, you would never want another love, another Father!
If you saw only one of YOUR LOVES, if you saw only one of YOUR DESIRES*, you would never have another desire on earth, but: - to be of My FATHER.
(*) YOUR DESIRES are: our salvation, our good, grant us ETERNAL LIFE, YOUR LIFE, give us to participate in YOUR DIVINITY, YOUR LOVE, and so many others, that we cannot even imagine.
Therefore, O generation, O my children, open your hearts to hope, because soon, my Spirit, like a shining sun, will come upon you, and everything will be renewed in the FIRE of MY LOVE, for I desire to rule over all with the scepter of my Authority, my LOVE, and my Charity. Therefore, I give you the meekness and humility of my Heart.
I asked that My Heart come every day on earth, to light the FIRE of LOVE! If you ask for it, I will give you, already on earth, the unfathomable Mercy of Heaven, because I AM KING and Lord!
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and my Holy Spirit.
Peace be with you!"