Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Message of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

(Sacred Heart of Jesus): My beloved children, today when you celebrate the Anniversary of my First Message to my little son Marcos Here in the year 1994, I come to say again: My Love is not loved, my Heart is not loved.
I, the Love itself, am not loved by My creatures. And even though so many years have passed since the First Message I gave Here, to this day it has not been obeyed or corresponded to by you.
My Love has been disappointed by you! My Love was disappointed in you because you are still deaf, blind, hard of heart and you refuse to listen to the words I have spoken to you here in these Apparitions ever since.
My Love has been disappointed by all those who have passed through Here, but have not responded to My Love, have not responded to My Mother's Love, have not known how to prefer Us to all other things, to all other creatures. They did not know how to put us first in their lives and live in love for us, to live only to please us, to give us glory, to console us, to love us and to make us loved.
My Love has been disappointed by all those who have heard the Words I have uttered throughout all these years. But these Words struck hard ears, hard hearts that did not want to hear My voice, that did not want to hear the voice of My Most Holy Mother.
Therefore, today more than ever my Heart, my Love is disappointed with this evil and perverse generation, lazy and loving only itself, its will and its flesh. Who still refuses to listen to what Love comes from above to here to say.
I offer an eternal reward without limits and incomparable and yet how few are those who are willing to seek My Treasures by putting all their effort and effort into the search for the treasures of this world that the moth gnaws at, that the demons steal and that even before death comes, are already finished.
There is no one who seeks Me with a right heart, pure and full of true love. How many pray to Me and to My Mother, but with the wrong intention, pray to take pleasure in themselves to satisfy their "I" to seek the fulfillment of their wills or pray coldly and without love. How many are like the Pharisees, very beautiful on the outside, but very rotten on the inside, because they do not have true love.
My Love is disappointed because everywhere I seek true love, but how rare are the souls in whom I find it truly. At least here there are souls of true and pure love completely dead to themselves, to their will, to their flesh and to the world, to console My Mother, to console My Heart and to finally give My Heart the joy of seeing Me loved by My creatures.
This place, this city chosen since the creation of the world to be visited by Me and My Mother is the Throne of My Graces. And in My First Message I said that I had come to finish what My Mother had begun.
I truly accomplished what I said and I will accomplish even more by bringing My work Here to His perfect victory over all My enemies. And truly the love of My Father who sent Me with My Mother here in Jacareí will shine and this Love will save the face of the whole earth.
Marcos, in that first Message I gave you on May 7, 1994 I told you how much I loved you, I told you how much I wanted you, I told you how much you were the favorite of my Heart.
My beloved son, my obedient and faithful servant, you have persevered in my Love during all these years. You were faithful to that Message I gave you that night and therefore you were considered very worthy by Me of all the other graces I gave you, of all the other favors I gave you after that day. You were even considered worthy by Me to receive directly from Heaven the Medal of my Adoptive Father Joseph.
Yes, you are the only one who has it because you were considered worthy of this so great grace that I did not and will not give it to anyone else in the world but you.
You were worthy of the great sign of the Sun on September 7 and November 7 of that year 1994 that you asked Me and I gave you. This sign that the Pharisees asked Me two thousand years ago to believe in Me and I denied it because they were not worthy. I did not deny it because I considered you worthy because of your great and immense love for Me and for My Mother.
I tell you son: You were worthy of wonders, but even more worthy of graces you will be, stay in My Heart so that My Heart stays in yours. Stay well united to Me as the branch on the vine, so that My divine sap may flow into your soul flooding it more and more with the graces of My Divine Heart to overflow it in this desert of this world that loves nothing and no one else. And so you destroy yourself, annihilate yourself, and condemn yourself to an unhappy existence in this life and the next.
Through you I will make the desert reverberate and become a garden of mystical roses of love, goodness, holiness, love for God in the whole world.
Come my little pigeon, precious pearl of my Heart, favorite of my favorites. Come, always come and drink to the fountain of my heart and rest in it that is your home, your refuge and your dwelling place as I promised you that night.
Believe in Me! You will triumph with Me and with My Mother as I promised you that night and Our enemies will be in Our Triumph at the footstool of Our feet. Remain firm in My Love and fear nothing, children of Mine, for you are mine, you are precious to Me and from billions I have loved you more than others, I have chosen you, I have elected you, I have confirmed you: You are Mine now and forever. You have given yourself to me with all your being, with all your heart and all your love. And I too, therefore, have given myself to you and I give myself to you again with all my heart, with all my love too.
Continue to pray the Rosary of my Mother every day, because through the Rosary of my Mother you give me more and more glory, love, praise and unite yourself more and more with my Divine Heart.
To all I bless with Love from La Salette, Kerizinen and Jacareí".