Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Blessed Mary): My dear children, today, when you are already celebrating here the Anniversary of my Apparitions in Fatima, I come once again to tell you: I am the Lady of the Rosary!
I truly appeared in the Cova da Iria in Fatima, to call the whole world to prayer, conversion and love through My 3 Saints and Blessed Shepherds.
All My apparitions at Fatima had as their sole purpose to call all My children to love. Prayer, the Rosary, the Sacrifice offered to God were the means for My children to reach this union of perfect love for God.
Therefore, My Apparitions in Fatima are a vehement call from My Immaculate Heart to Love! My Apparitions at Fatima are a call to Love. Through My Three Little Shepherds I have called all My children to no longer offend God with grave sins, to love Him, to obey His Law of Love, to live in His Grace, to live a life of perfect union with Him through the Prayer of the Rosary, through sacrifice, through acts of love, through acts of penance and sacrifice. And the total giving of one's life to live a life of friendship with God, adoring Him and loving Him deeply as the Angel of Peace and as I teach My Little Shepherds to do.
My apparitions at Fatima are a vehement call to Love because through My little Shepherds I asked for more love for My Immaculate Heart, I asked that My children would no longer pierce the thorns of sins in My Heart, that they would take them away with acts of displeasure, with the Rosary, with the devotion of the five first Saturdays.
And above all, with a holy life living My Message of Fatima every day of your life, living therefore a life of sincere love for Me.
Therefore the Message of Fatima is a Message of Love, a Message that until today is not understood in its essence, in its core, in its heart. How many remain only in the exterior, in the superficiality of Fatima, are content to pray only a few Rosaries, a few prayers, do some penance on their knees.
But the core, the heart of the Message of Fatima is unknown, they do not seek to understand. The heart of the Message of Fatima is Love. What I came to look for in the Cova da Iria in Fatima was Love.
First of all the Love of My Three Little Shepherds and in them I found true Love, then in My children, in these I did not find true love.
In my little Shepherds who said 'yes' to me with such generosity and so much love already since my First Apparition, accepting all that God sent them, all their sufferings. And offering everything with an act of love, I displease God. And an act of love and supplication, of sacrifice for the salvation of sinners, in them my Heart truly found the true, sincere, generous, deep, constant, obedient, unreserved, unconditional, unrestricted and boundless love that I so desired.
Yes, in them my Heart was filled, because at every moment they gave me acts of love, prayers of love, sacrifices of love. And that is why in them my Heart was pleased and satisfied and also the Heart of my Son Jesus.
Unfortunately in the other My children I did not find this love in everyone. I searched all over the earth for seventy, eighty years until here in Jacareí to find a soul like My little Shepherds of Fatima who was able to give Me a deep, total, persevering, unreserved 'yes' like theirs. A soul capable of suffering everything for Me, of embracing all the labors, struggles, tires, pains, crosses for Me.
It is my son Marcos Thaddeus, my 4th Little Shepherd, in him also my Heart is pleased, finds its complacency, is satisfied because he offers me all day long continuous acts of love, effort of love, labor of love, renunciations of love, sacrifices of love, abnegation of love, forgetfulness of himself and his will for my Love.
That is why I have qualified you: Unceasingly Call You Love. Yes, he is that flame, that unceasing act of love for Me that, like My little Shepherds, consumes itself all day long like a candle, giving Me the warmth of its love. And illuminating the darkness of this world with the light of this flame of love that I make burning in his breast as I did in My little Shepherds already in the first Apparition, making them burn in this blazing Flame of Love that is the Holy Spirit himself who is God.
That is why, My children, today I call you also to be unceasing flames of Love like My little Shepherds of Fatima, like My little son Marcos, giving Me all your 'yes', all your love, every day of your life.
That is why My little son Marcos understood so early the core, the heart of the Message of Fatima and lived it. Because only souls burning with love and capable of unlimited and unreserved love for Me as My little Shepherds can understand the heart of the Message of Fatima and the heart of it that is love. The love in pure transformation, to which only souls of unlimited love, of unreserved love for Me arrive.
Be souls of unlimited love for Me, be intense, continuous flames of love for Me by giving your 'yes' like My Little Shepherds, like My Son Marcos accepting all the labors, struggles, tires, cross pains for Me and for the salvation of souls, for the Lord and for the coming of His Kingdom on earth.
So that in this way your souls may truly be souls of unlimited love, of burning love and truly in you my Immaculate Heart may also be pleased, rejoice and be satisfied. And finally to find the joy of seeing yourself perfectly loved by a son of Mine who gives Me everything and nothing denies Me.
Yes, be ceaseless flames of love like My little Shepherds of Fatima, like My 4th Little Shepherd of Jacareí, always living another life of true love with Me. Living the true consecration to Me that is made of Love giving Me everything, nothing denying Me. Renouncing your will, your opinion, your flesh, the world, and everything else for Me, for the Lord and for souls.
Then you will also know the core, the heart of My Message of Fatima, you will know the greatest Secret of Fatima, greater than the one I gave in Three Parts to My little Shepherds: The Secret of Love, of the greatest Love, of the boundless Love of My Heart for My children, of the Lord, for all humanity. Who sent Me over the poor Holm oak tree in the Cova da Iria to call all Our children back to Us on the path of true Love, of 'yes', of total surrender of their lives to Us so that We may fill you all with Our Flame of Love.
Then, if you do this My Flame of Love will burst powerfully through all the barriers and obstacles of the world and My Immaculate Heart will finally triumph by burning everyone with My Flame of Love. And transforming everyone into so many other little Shepherds who will give to God the most perfect adoration, the most perfect love and to Me also the most perfect affection, love and consolation of the whole Universe.
If you, My children, give Me this 'yes, My Immaculate Heart will pour out My Flame of Love upon all of you, and the Second Pentecost will transform the face of the whole earth. And then, the Message of Fatima will finally be fulfilled and the world will be transformed into the Kingdom of Love of the Heart of my Son Jesus, of my Heart and also of Joseph.
And then all souls will live in God and God will live in all His children.
Keep praying My Holy Rosary every day. Continue praying My Rosary so that, truly, every day I may predispose your souls to receive My Flame of Love and to renew you completely by transforming you into living copies of My Little Shepherds of Fatima.
To all I bless with love from Fatima, Bonate and Jacari".
(Pastorinho Francisco Marto): "Dear brothers My, I, Francisco Marto, servant of the Mother of God and Pastorinho of Her Heart, rejoice in coming today with Her once again to bless you and also to tell you: Be living flames of love as I was, as my sister Jacinta was, as my cousin Lucia was of love for God and for the Mother of God.
So that your life may truly be like ours, an unceasing hymn of Love for God and for the Mother of God, which displeases you, consoles you and produces the conversion of many poor sinners.
Be living flames of love by praying many Rosaries as I have prayed all my life to console Jesus and Mary and to give them love, affection and save souls.
Be living flames of love by weeping as I do so many offenses with which the world hurts, hurts the Divine Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Yes, it is true, my father often saw me crying at night and when he asked me why I was crying I answered him: I cry because Our Lord and Our Lady are so sad for so many sins of the world. I want to console Jesus, I want to console Our Lady, I want to suffer for Her Love!
Be like this too, console Jesus, console His Blessed Mother by suffering everything with patience for love of them. Living a life of true love for them, weeping for your sins and the sins of the whole world with which they are offended.
And finally, as I am calling you alive with love, always desiring heaven as I always said: I don't want to be a priest, I don't want to be a doctor, I don't want to be anything. I want to go to Heaven to console Jesus and Mary.
May this be your greatest desire to console Jesus and Mary with your life full of penance, of prayer and as the Mother of God has just told you very well, not remaining only in the superficiality of the Message of Fatima and the Message of Jacari, reducing everything to mere practices of piety.
Go to the heart, to the heart of these two Messages which is one thing only: love! Love without reserve, without limits to God, which makes you die completely for yourselves, for your personal daily will only to do the will of God, to suffer everything for God and for His Mother. And like We the Little Shepherds of Her and like all the Saints who loved Her most only in love for Her live and only in love for Her die.
To you, my beloved Marcos, you continue and finish what the Mother of God began with us at Fatima. To you who are Our sweet and tender brother, of whom We are very jealous and very careful. To you today I pour out the most abundant blessings from the Lord and the Mother of God.
I also shower upon you great graces that I have earned with my sufferings, merits, rosaries, pains. So that you may truly continue and finish this great work begun by the Mother of God in Fatima and that here you will be led to her full Triumph, to her full success.
Be strong and demand that all who are at your side also be strong like you, because a great work like this demands souls of pure love, souls burning with pure love, souls burning with love. Lukewarm and cold, souls of little love are not good enough to be here, so it demands more every day: love, sacrifice, giving, fortitude, courage and value. Because only the worthy will arrive at the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Our Most Holy Queen.
And as for you, always rest in My Love, in Jacinta's Love and in Lucia's Love, because we love you very much and we are always very attentive to the voice of your supplications. Come and ask Us whatever you want.
The Lady considered Us worthy to receive the great Miracle of the Sun that the whole crowd saw in Her last Apparition to Us. The Lady also considered you worthy of the same signs at the beginning of the Apparitions that all the crowd that came here saw and confirmed.
So you must feel happy because you are one of the most fortunate, rich, preferred and loved souls of the Lord and His Mother. You are one of the souls best considered by Him, the Lord and His Mother, and therefore you should fear nothing and no one and never lose heart.
Go ahead because whatever you ask of Us the Lady, Our Queen will give you and We will offer all Our merits and supplications for you.
Come, my beloved brother, receive now our deepest and most ardent embrace of love and our blessing".